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Comment Re: Well, then I guess (Score 1) 284

That's certainly true in many states. We used to take advantage of that law by buying expensive things at a discount from stores in Kentucky right before the end of the year; if they had those products on their books on January 1, they had to pay tax on them, so they had an added incentive to sell them. Thus, they were willing to take a little bit less money for them, because they knew they'd get that much less if they sold them a week later anyway.

Comment Re:A BASIC fan's step-by-step curriculum (Score 1) 215

I know it's not really what a platform-builder wants to hear, but please use BASIC only for purposes for which it's the best tool. It's ideal for highlighting the often-missed initial concepts, such as the facts that statements are executed in order, variables can store information and change...

In declarative languages instructions are not executed in order (indeed, modern compilers frequently reorder instructions and, as we progressively move away from Von Neumann architectures, very few computing environments will guarantee instructions are executed in order). In functional languages variables cannot change. If those are the ideas you've internalised about software, you aren't going to go very far.

BASIC is just the ultimate bad language. Like King John, it has no redeeming features.

Comment For the love of God don't use BASIC (Score 1) 215

BASIC is a really, really bad language to teach anything about computing. If you want to equip them for the world of work, go for Java or C# (which are more or less the same, from a learner's point of view, and neither is hard). If you want to teach a deep understanding of algorithms and how computers work, Clojure or Scheme would be good choices.

Comment Re:Simple solution... (Score 1) 95

I currently work for a small (50 employees) engineering company. One person in my present team's weekly standup is in Montreal, Canada. Three are in New York, USA. Three are in London, England. The rest are in Glasgow, Scotland. In my last job, with a major international bank, one standup member was in Chennai, India; three in Geneva, Switzerland. One in London, England. And the rest in Glasgow. In the real world 'everyone in one room' just isn't going to happen.

Comment Re:This should not be on the front page (Score 4, Interesting) 247

About 5600 lines. However, because it was a glorified case statement, you were really only debugging a single case at a time, each of which was about the length of a sane function, so splitting it into functions would do little to improve readability. I like to trot out that example to terrify people, but the function itself was really quite sane and easy to maintain.

You did, however, have to fully understand the state machine as a whole, which in total was almost twenty kloc, had almost 200 instance variables in the state object, and leaned heavily on a tree object with about 30 instance variables. That's the point at which most people's heads exploded.

Either way, 4,500 lines is the size of a fairly straightforward iOS app. Most folks can dig into that and figure out enough to maintain it without spending a huge amount of time, even if the organization isn't ideal. When you hit tens of thousands of lines, that's where you have to start thinking about how you organize it and document it, because with such large projects, if you jump into the middle without a complete picture, you're likely to be hopelessly lost.

Comment Good operating systems don't use extensions (Score 1) 564

If you're trying to determine what the file type of a file is from an extension on the end of its name, you're engaging in industrial archaelology, not computer use. You can rename any file to have any 'extension'; consequently this idea is completely broken. The idea that you deal with this misfeature by hiding it just compounds the error.

Comment Re:Should come with its own football team (Score 1) 102

You're confusing cause with effect. Programmer wages aren't high in the Silicon Valley because of having a lot of programmers. There are a lot of programmers because the wages are so high that CS majors come here in droves after college.

The reason the wages are so high here is because of basic supply and demand at work. Silicon Valley has only about a 3.6% unemployment rate among programmers, and a lot of the unemployed either want to be unemployed or are unemployed because their specific skills aren't in high demand. Programmers may be common in the Silicon Valley, but the demand in the Silicon Valley far exceeds the number of qualified programmers who are available and looking for jobs. Thus, the entire market is a zero-sum game, and the high wages are a result of the need to buy people away from other companies.

As a result, any sudden increase in the number of programmers drives down salaries for new hires, and fairly dramatically at that. For proof, you need only look at what happened to programmer salaries outside the Bay Area during the dot-com crash, when droves of people suddenly were looking for more affordable places to live. In some areas, salaries for programmers dropped almost in half because of that exodus.

Is it realistic to believe that there will ever be enough programmers to satisfy the Silicon Valley's voracious appetite? Hard to say. But that's a separate question.

Comment Re:Should come with its own football team (Score 4, Insightful) 102

Yes, it is pretty silly for them to expect the government to educate people. It is not like an educated population is some kind of public good.

Well, it is a benefit to the public as a whole to a large degree, but there is a dark side, too. The main reason that companies want to increase enrollment in CS is to get a larger pool of people to draw from so that they won't have to pay employees as much.

Comment For once, backwards compatibility is a BAD idea (Score 2) 166

The Web is in the mess it now is because Microsoft (and, to a lesser extent, Netscape, back in the day) has gone through so many iterations of deliberately trying to create subtly incompatible variants of HTML. Creating a browser which is backwards compatible with that mess simply perpetuates the mess. The new browser should simply refuse to render non-conforming legacy pages at all - that would force web site owners to clean up their act in short order.

Comment Re:terminal illness (Score 1) 698

I'd also tell her about your illness, and tell her what you tried, just in case it is congenital. The more detail, the better. It might save her life someday.

Also, if you haven't already, you should check to see if you qualify for any of the immunotherapy trials going on. Search here if you haven't already.

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