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Comment Re:It is not science... (Score 1) 219

That's exactly NOT what has been shown to be happening. There is no positive feedback loop with water. In fact, the exact OPPOSITE happens. Thunderstorms form when a surface temperature threshold is passed. They move MASSIVE amounts of heat from the surface to the upper atmosphere, where there is NO CO2. That heat is then radiated out into space. Thunderstorms are like an air conditioner unit for our atmosphere, keeping heat from building up past a specific threshold. There is no runaway warming.

Comment Re:It is not science... (Score 1) 219

Science: CO2 absorbs infrared Not Science: because CO2 absorbs infrared, adding it to our atmosphere will increase the temperature of our atmosphere, which will cause more water to evaporate, which will also absorb more infrared, which will further increase the temperature of our atmosphere, creating a runaway greenhouse effect OMG we're going to destroy the planet!

Comment Re: Explain to me please (Score 1) 313

I'm sure that "vast majority of murderers never re-offend" is a comforting statistic for the victims of the small minority who do re-offend.
Care to give some statistics on just how "vast" that majority is?
Here's a Canadian study that found a 0.3% repeat murder rate over a 10 year period:
And here's an article from the UK:

Comment Re:Explain to me please (Score 1) 313

Newsflash for you AC: ISIS has been defeated.
Also, you want to talk about "Provoking people like Trump does", yet didn't North Korea just acquiesce and agree to meet with Trump in order to negotiate nuclear disarmament?
Nobody said "we need to torture people to win because that is what the enemy would do". We have merely stated that waterboarding is an effective way of getting someone to talk "without" having to resort to torture.

Comment Re:Explain to me please (Score 1) 313

Waterboarding by the CIA was something that helped terrorists. Our doing it gave a powerful recruiting tool to terrorist organizations: it allowed them to show that the U.S. are not the good guys. This was a stupid stupid thing to do, and we should object to her being Director because we should not reward people for doing stupid things in their job.

Oh yes, it was the waterboarding that led to ISIS and Al Qaeda believing the US was evil. It had nothing to do with brainwashing, fanaticism, extremist religious leaders, or any of that.
By the way, you know the number one fact that's used by terrorists to prove America is evil, is America's acceptance and tolerance of homosexuality, right?

Comment Re:Not criminal, not torture (Score 1) 313

AC said waterboarding does no physical harm. He didn't say it has no effect. By "no physical harm" he means exactly wounds, no scars, no physical "damage". As to why you would waterboard someone 83 times, that has to do with an iterative process of information gathering and information verification.

Comment A couple of questions... (Score 1) 313

How do you sell your soul? Who do you sell it to? What's it worth? If I sell my humanity, am I no longer human? If I sold my humanity, and am no longer human, wouldn't that then make me different from them, or are you saying they're not human either? Could I sell my humanity yet still be different from them?

Comment Re:do you want americans to liberate your country? (Score -1, Offtopic) 89

Your linked article is wrong. The US didn't invade Iraq for oil. Iraqi oil was already flowing on the world market, and under the UN Food For Oil scam, it was flowing at a discounted price. The real reason for the invasion is because Iraq is directly next door to Iran. Here's a map:
US invades Afghanistan and Iraq in response to 9/11. Now US military is on both sides of Iran, the world's largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism. Coincidence?

Comment Re:Throw out the Republicans (Score 1) 237

He went to a legal reseller and went through the process of obtaining a gun legally versus buying a black market gun. If the only barrier to being able to obtain a gun relies on the buyer willfully telling the truth about their mental and criminal history, then that's a failed security implementation, and there SHOULD be new laws enacted to fix this.

Comment Re:Throw out the Republicans (Score 1) 237

You're confusing illegal purchase due to technicality versus black market illegal. The fact is, he went through the legal process to legally buy the gun, and that's how he obtained it. The fact that he lied on the form doesn't change the fact that he purchased it through a legitimate dealer. This is where mandatory reporting of mental illness and criminal activity to the NICS system would help. It removes the ability of the buyer to lie on the form and get a gun when they shouldn't be able to.

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