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Comment Re:Scarier still.... (Score 1) 366

get the idea that the tests are somehow measuring "intelligence,"

But IQ tests do measure intelligence, and do it well. It cannot be perfect, because there is no one simple definition.
IQ does not measure education or general knowledge, which your "ignorant public" may equate with intelligence, but a more scientific version of it.
Intelligence can be far more accurately measured than other aspects of mind/personality - bravery, resilience, charisma, introversion ...
Intelligence traits (that you might define) not directly measured by IQ tests are likely to be highly correlated.

Many people do not like the idea of innate aptitudes, but wishing it false does not make it so.

Well, maybe people shouldn't be writing inaccurate headlines. Are people not allowed to criticize those?

Yes, the headline is bollocks. Welcome to slashdot :)

Comment Re:Scarier still.... (Score 1) 366

Babies that show a faster, stronger fear response to scary images are more likely to be republicans as adults by a pretty substantial margin.

That is misleading. What happens is the conservatives show a different response to scary images. Which is better depends on the environment. It may be that conservatives are more prone to over-reacting to threats while liberals are more likely to ignore or downplay real threats.

And conservative does not mean Republican. e.g. black Americans tend to be conservative but overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

Comment Re:Scarier still.... (Score 1) 366

We have yet to define intelligence in any objective way

Thats not how science works. What you do is find something you can measure, an aspect of intelligence rather than a perfect definition.
The bit you can measure is called IQ. If the measure is reliable and makes successful predictions, then it is scientifically valid.

IQ tests are strong predictors of many things, such as school success and job performance.
This does not depend on anybody defining what general intelligence means.

we'll be able to test if someone is a genius?

No, but it may tell if they are smart enough to RTF Summary.

Comment Re:The Conservative Option (Score 1) 487

Yes, and far more people die every in the US from being beaten to death by killers using fists and blunt instruments than have died by killers using rifles of any kind,

He said guns, not rifles.

  But that raises a good point - like Ebola, assault rifles get disproportionate fear and media attention.
Sure they are both bad, and need to be contained, but influenza and handguns are the much bigger threats overall.

Comment Re:The Conservative Option (Score 2) 487

Bird flue has killed fewer then 200 and is contained. Ebola has killed more then 3000 and is not.

Math is hard.

Swine flu has killed hundreds of thousands in the current global epidemic (not contained), and at least 50 million the previous time (1918).
Ebola has a lot of catching up to do.

Comment Re:Yet "intelligence" genes have little effect (Score 1) 154

suggests that intelligence is just a part, maybe even a small part, of achievement.

In life, perhaps. But this study is looking specifically at school achievement, where intelligence is by far the biggest factor.
They were also looking at other less important but less studied heritable traits, which is the interesting part.

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