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Comment Re:Obligatory reading (Score 1) 419

Ya, let's ignore the 5,000 cases of thyroid cancer.

GP was talking deaths. Were any of those cases fatal? 5000 is the total diagnoses, not excess, and many only discovered because of increased screening.
Even the severe cases are treatable, and most would never have happened if the kids were not given contaminated milk to drink after the disaster.
None of that will happen in Japan.

Comment Re:Obligatory reading (Score 2) 419

Right, there's no way to accurately count the people ...

There is a very powerful tool called epidemiology.
In simple terms, you look for an increase in disease rates over time compared to a control population.
In the case of Chernobyl, there is far less effect than was expected. There has been a small increase in childhood thyroid cancer (treatable, BTW), but not much else. No detectable increase in Lukemia or adult cancers. The predictions were overwhelmingly pessimistic.

In Fukushima, the radiation effects can reasonably expected to be much smaller for a number of reasons.
But while the radiation may not kill anyone, there are known serious health consequences of displacing large numbers of people. Still small compared to the devastation of the tsunami.

Comment Re:Mixture (Score 1) 312

I've yet to see anyone sent off to rot in a prison for 20 years or so just for bitching about the government.

If the Russians did that, there'd be nobody left to guard the gulags.
Anyway, he said the US is getting more like Russia. We still have a few decades before they meet. Until then, yes, the US is better.
But is being better than Russia enough for you?

Comment Re:What... (Score 1) 212

"Triple Crown" was not a large enough indicator?

No, why should I have heard of a domestic event on the other side of the globe? Only the Kentucky Derby is familiar (one of 3 things I have heard of in that state, the others being bourbon and greasy chicken). The Crown is hardly a big international event like the tennis Grand Slam, or formulae one Grand Prix.

Comment Re:If it sounds too good to be true (Score 5, Informative) 243

The deceit is obvious if you look at the discharge curve.
Yes, if you throw it away at 1.4V under load, most of the capacity remains. But it is bullshit because nobody does that.
High-drain devices will cope with much lower voltage, and low drain devices (like remote controls) will almost completely deplete the battery before you notice a drop in effectiveness.
For real high-drain devices like cameras, most people use NiMH, which has a nominal 1.2V only.

Comment Re:The arrest (Score 1) 461

Memo to self #2:
If my license is revoked, call a cab.

It depends where you live. I have not had my license checked in many years (just breath tests), so it would be a good-odds bet to drive occasionally when needed.
Might just need to make sure the car is registered in someone else's name.
Of course, I'd just be risking a fine and vehicle impoundment, not arrest! In DC you can even go to prison for driving while suspended. Another reason the incarceration rate is so high in the US.

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