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Comment Re:kernel developers on Macs - that would be me (Score 1) 360

However, Apple has one thing at the consumer [1] level... and that is very good CS.

I've heard lots of stories that went both ways there. As someone who has owned a piece of Apple hardware with a known and admitted hardware bug which Apple closed wontfix and told people to buy more hardware to get around the problem, I have my own opinions about the value of Apple support.

For example, MAC and Snap-On tools are more expensive than what comes off the boat to a Harbor Freight store... but the expensive tools tend to be better in the long run since they last longer, and if they do break, there is a no questions asked warranty. Similar with Macs.

Oh, you failed so hard when you tried to make the car analogy... because the hand tools at Harbor Freight have lifetime warranties now, and it's a lot cheaper to get the extended warranty for the other stuff (like scanners etc.) than it is from Snap-On, Mac etc. Now I'm left with the distinct impression that you don't understand cars or computers.

Comment Re:I'm all for recreational drone use but... (Score 1) 72

Realistically, yes, I'd call the cops quickly if someone was buzzing the crowd unsafely with a quadcopter. And cops are not totally incompetent - it's usually not that hard to spot an R/C operator (presuming the operator is flying within line-of-sight.)

But if the opportunity presented itself, I'd probably throw a jacket or other object at the stupid thing, and if by some random chance it actually came down, I'd probably stomp the shit out of it. I have no tolerance or respect for people threatening my safety with their stupidity.

Comment Re:kernel developers on Macs - that would be me (Score 1) 360

I've been a developer for 17 years. My name is in the kernel changelog. I've designed and built custom servers with power tools. I use Mac Pros for work.

It seems GP might think that Apple only makes iPhones. Mac Pros, which run certified Unix (OS X) are possibly the _best_ option for serious professionals. There are also a couple other companies making one or two choices in well-built hardware you can install enterprise Linux on, of course.

You don't say.

My name is in the kernel changelog

Man, dude is thirsty.

Comment Re:iOS is toys, OS X is Unix. Learn the difference (Score 0) 360

I've been a developer for 17 years. My name is in the kernel changelog. I've designed and built custom servers with power tools. I use Mac Pros for work.

It's a shame Apple doesn't really care about Macs any more. Could that be what's making you so insecure that you feel you have to flash all your bona fides in a story about an Apple product's intrusiveness?

Comment Re:Not a mistake (Score 1) 234

Does he think ISIS is going to rethink their beliefs because a Christian from the US thinks they're interpreting the Qur'an wrong?

I think that he, or whoever writes his speeches, thinks that this is an opportunity to get inb4claimsofsharialaw.

I do think there's an outside chance that some people might not join ISIS if they hear a strong voice telling them why it's idiotic. But I think the first reason is the real reason.

Comment Re:Is that all it is for Independence Day? (Score 2) 149

Please, don't hate.

Oh, look who's being the SJW now. Don't mistake laughing at the ridiculous for hatred.

Here are some of Alex Jones' "mark my words" predictions:

Bank runs in February 2009. 9/11-scale terror attacks in 2010. 50% of the U.S. population will be killed in a bio-weapons attack in 2009. 16 year-old soldiers will enforce nationwide martial law by 2012. A major terror attack will occur in the U.S. by the end of summer 2009 (oh, and it’s a false flag). The U.S. will go to war with Russia in 2009. Texas stores are being looted and National Guard troops are moving into Austin right this minute (December 31, 1999). The UN will announce the presence of ET intelligence during 2009 to stage a NWO takeover. The U.S. dollar will be devalued by 50% by 2012.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Even David Icke laughs at Alex Jones for being dopey.

Comment Re:The Golden Path (Score 1) 234

Frank Herbert's son later teamed up with a sci-fi author and published some books which wrap up the story and also explain some of the events that happened before the Dune books take place. Supposedly from his father's notes. Not everyone considers these books canon. The catastrophe, however, is revealed but at this point it mostly seemed the first book had some parallells with the Middle East.

The reason that many don't consider it canon is that it directly contradicts not just small events in the originals but the entire premise. In Dune, the Butlerian Jihad was an ideological struggle against people who were willing to delegate their thinking to machines without considering the long-term social consequences (hmm, still seems pretty relevant) and ended up being controlled by oligarchs who controlled the machines. The outcome was an overreaction against machines, banning even simple calculating engines. In the cash-in novels, it was recharacterised as a war against a two-dimensional and completely unbelievable machine intelligence.

The final revelation in the sequels was then that this machine intelligence had survived and had been building an empire in secret all of the time that humanity had been building their own and eventually decided that it wanted to destroy all of the humans (why? Because that's what evil robot overlords do! Obviously). These books could have been written by the Bene Gesserit sister that Leto just managed to restrain himself from killing in God Emperor, for her stupidity. He explained that humanity had moved past the point where machines could be a threat (remember: they were never a physical threat, the threat was always stagnation and decay as humans delegated more and more to machines until there was no point in continuing to live).

The point of the scattering in Leto's Golden Path was that humanity would spread out so that nothing could be an existential threat (the old Empire had more or less stopped expanding and didn't have exponential growth to protect it). Part of the point of Chapterhouse was that the conflict that was going on, in spite of engulfing more worlds than the Empire in the time of Dune, was a tiny sideshow - nothing that happened would affect humanity and the descendants of humanity as a whole. The big hint about the changes that were happening out of the empire was the extent to which the Honoured Matres and Futars had diverged from what was considered human. The implication was that they were the ones that had diverged the least and were no longer able to compete with far more predatory creatures that had evolved from humans.

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