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User Journal

Journal Journal: F***ing Canadians 1

I just saw this story about Bobby Fischer. The story was written by a Canadian who also posted this editorial comment:

I've always thought it a travesty that Bobby Fisher had to go into hiding just because he wanted to play chess in a tournament held, unfortunately, in Yugoslavia during the UN embargo.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Need DVD advice 1

Hello, all. I think some of you have done similar things, so I'm asking here rather than combing through the net.

Next weekend I'm driving from New York to Orlando, Florida. In order to keep my two-year-old entertained, we borrowed a portable DVD player.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm so happy I almost cried 4

My son Joe, 21 months old, loves the vacuum. I don't know why, but he does. So my wife found a toy wet/dry vac at Toys 'R Us. If is one of his favorite Christmas presents.

It is pretty cheaply made, however. Late Christmas day it stopped working. I changed the batteries but that didn't help.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Time for a purge 19

In true Stalin fashion, it is time for a purge!

I'm dropping people from my friends list. No, I don't consider you an enemy. I use my friends list to track journals I want to read. Either you don't write a journal very often or I'm not interested in what you have to write about.

Off to the gulag archipelago with you!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Attention All Parents 5

This little article is priceless!

Attention, public: mothers must be judged as much as possible. Here's how.

"That's not tuna you're eating, is it? Did you know that tuna is composed entirely of mercury? Um, so, do you care about your unborn child?"

Wireless Networking

Journal Journal: My experience with T-Mobile 5

Back in late February, I was hired by a Silicon Valley startup to do "Professional Services" for their clients in and around Manhattan. My official office was to be a spare room in my house, and I would be spending at least 50% of my time at client sites. Without regular access to a landline, I was going to need a reliable cell phone.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Aquarium Update 1

In my previous journal I discussed my plans to buy an aquarium for my son's first birthday. I requested some advice from the slashdot community. I'm very grateful for all the information I recieved. Here is an update.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Aquarium Advice Needed 5

IIRC, someone in our circle keeps fish as a hobby. I need some advice on getting an aquarium for my son's first birthday. (He loves looking at fish.)

As a youngster I kept fish myself. I had several tanks in 10-20-30 gallon sizes, so I have some idea what I'm doing. But it has been almost 20 years.

My first question is this - I've never kept a salt water aquarium. How is it different than keeping a fresh water aquarium?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Where are all the Dean Fans? 23

As a proud Republican, I have to ask all the Dean fans...

What happened? I thought we had this all worked out? You guys were going to nominate Dean so that GWB would cruise to the biggest landslide in the history of politics? How could your messiah, Dr. Dean who walks on water and can provide socialized medicine with just a wave of his hand, get trounced that soundly by Kerry and Edwards?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Chris Collinsworth is an Idiot 4

Our favorite idiot color man made quite a few comments asking why there wasn't a flag thrown for the late hit on this play.

If he was actually paying attention, he might have noticed that the official didn't blow the play dead. One of the things every football player is taught from the lowest levels up to the NFL is that you play until the whistle blows.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Silly Moderators 4

I love this one.

Why would anyone waste mod points on crap like this? If one titles a post "-1, Troll" and puts a reference to "BSD is dying" in the body of the post, it isn't really a troll. A troll must have the aspect of fooling someone.

Someone has to slam the the Troll moderators in M2.

I can deal with the overrated mods. At least they don't have their head up their ass. It was a silly joke.

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