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Comment Re:Security cameras (Score 1) 495

We also used no-ip for security cameras as well. I have a friend who also uses it for managing some remote backups. I know of no one that uses the service illegitimately, although, like any tool, there are undoubtedly people who use it for illegal purposes. If that happens you prosecute the person who performed the illegal act, not the person who provided the tool.

Comment Re:Sue them for all they're worth (Score 1) 495

Judges should not be above the law. If they make a bad judgment which causes harm to another company, they should be liable for the damages. They should have to carry insurance or be bonded just like a professional in most other industries are. Even lawyers have to carry this insurance. But somehow we hold the people that we put in charge of making decisions immune from the consequences of their decisions.

Comment Re:Sue them for all they're worth (Score 1) 495

Not showing up should not result in a suspension of justice and free reign to dispense outrageous judgements.

Unfortunately, process servers can't be trusted to properly serve a notice. There are plenty of cases where people have lost their house because they failed to show up at a hearing of which they were completely unaware.

Comment Disney? (Score 1) 162

What about all those Disney bucks or whatever they call the currency that you can buy in Disneyland and is only good in Disneyland, and hardly anywhere even within Disneyland? Has that been technically illegal all these years?

Comment Observer effect? (Score 0) 190

So we dump a bunch of carbon into the atmosphere getting a satellite up there and then measure the results. I'm not sure if this is a deliberate invocation of the Observer affect, or not. I would imagine trying to use the Observer effect to your observation works about the same as washing your car to make it rain.

Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 1) 532

I agree with you. If someone wants to drink, smoke, eat fatty foods, that is their business, so long as they are willing to pay for the long term health consequences. It is not society's duty to pay for a person's health choices nor is it sociey's prerogative to dictate their health choices to them.

Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 1) 532

Well, I am not poor, but if poor people are choosing between bottled water and soda, then that is clearly a problem. I don't buy bottled water. I get water piped into my house, and it only costs about half a cent per gallon. I have a filter on my water, but the filter and tap water is cheaper than a week's worth of bottled water.
It is pretty amazing how the cost of groceries has risen so much in the last 20 years that it is now sometimes cheaper to eat out. It used to be that you could feed a family of four for a week on what it cost to eat at McDonalds. Now, it is cheaper to eat at McDonalds. But there are still decent deals to be found at the grocer. But with the cost difference being so low these days, it takes a lot to convince someone to actually prepare a meal.

Comment Re:Tuning it out? (Score 1) 254

I don't use adblock either, and I haven't disabled advertising on slashdot either. However, I can't think of having ever clicked on a link. I think this is just because I don't really see the ads. I also don't really recall seeing ads on facebook, although I know they must be there. I just tune them out.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

Yet we don't live in a perfect world. People do discriminate based on race, gender, appearance and a whole bunch of other things that have nothing to do with ability to perform the job. Affirmative action is one attempt to fix that. Whether it works, or is the best way to do so, is a more complicated matter.

Okay, I'll give you that Affirmative Action is an ATTEMPT to fix that, but the result is that it merely INCREASES discrimination based on race, gender, etc.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

Well, according to the statistics for percent of college grads in tech fields that are women, it would appear that Google is tending to hire the best applicant for the job, which makes them have about the same percentage of women as percentage of female college graduates, while Yahoo is illegally discriminating based on sex to hire more women and has thus wound up with twice as high a percentage as women who graduated with a technical degree.

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