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Comment LOL, have you even met a child? (Score 5, Insightful) 228

My kids range in age from 5 to 9. This is already how they see the world.

Their first hint that the internet is a thing that you have to think about was when they got wifi devices and tried to use them in the car as we drove away from the house.

Before they made that realization, it was just something that things did. Part of the expected infrastructure of existence.

Comment No License fee, no skills. (Score 3, Funny) 648

Finally, a nationally branded computer science educational program, we need to build our brands for captive audiences, or we might lose grip.

Art - Photoshop 101
Literature - Kindle Classics
Math - MSExcel
Writing - MSWord
History - Amazon Prime Presents: Ken Burns - American Minutiae

That way our kids won't know how to do anything without a license fee.

Comment Re:Common sense space exploration (Score 1) 83

Humanity is doomed because we will never get past the human rights/religious obligation thing when attempting a large-scale rescue of the human race. Removing free will from the generations of host females, and treating tens of thousands of embryos as volatile memory for the human genome will never get past the religious views that tie up significant portions of the capital both political and physical that would be required to spread the human race to other planets. Hell today, in fertility treatment, gender selection is "controversial"... Embryo disposal is "controversial"... This is that times a million.

Comment Re:Common sense space exploration (Score 1, Insightful) 83

Blame religion.

It is perfectly possible to build a generation ship to reach for the stars and colonize planets thousands of years of travel away.

Just not in the way that we think of generation ships...

Cryo-sleep is how science fiction solves this problem, but the only known state of human that can survive cryogenic freezing is the human embryo. a crew of around 6 females, and 40,000 frozen embryos, a new generation of females is implanted via ivf and then born through live birth every 25-30 years.

Long story short, spreading humanity out across the stars with our current technology would require massive shifts in how humanity sees morality.

Building a colony on mars, populated with people who have free will, and not risking the wrath of the religious right, sure... that's easier.

Comment Netflix releases seed story (Score 1) 67

Netflix has ensured that every user who reads the news (or facebook) now has the correct string of words to google in order to get around the country code restrictions mandated by netflix's contracts with content owners.

I predict a surge in "netflix vpn how" google searches
followed by netflix "negotiations" with content owners to relax country restrictions that "obviously don't even work"

Comment Re:Farts (Score 1) 420

don't worry about it... chances are the guy next to you is currently eating a bowl of home made deep fried curried broccoli farts and stale baked stinkfish. Nobody will even notice, they might even ask for a bite of your tire-fire masala before they realize it was just a fart.

Comment Our COO quit because of "open concept" (Score 1) 420

The board and the (new)CEO handed down the "open concept directive"
100% of employees voiced issues ranging from visual distractions, to "how the hell are customer support employees supposed to talk to people on the phone?"
3 employees quit on the first day of "open concept"
Every "town hall" meeting included mostly questions about how to mitigate the negative effects of open concept.

The COO (of 13 years) blew up in a town hall meeting, confided in us that he fought it all the way, then he put in his resignation.

Our company was so paralyzed by it that we moved the developers to their own office building, because it was affecting deadlines to have constant interruptions and loud overheard phone calls by sales and support. It literally cost double, because we could no longer function in a single office.

Comment Re:Ten years? (Score 4, Interesting) 332

Classic example: Kodak.

Since kodak was the inventor of the digital camera... this is actually a classic COUNTER-example.
Kodak actually failed when it wasted BILLIONS in the 1980s trying to expand its product line... 5.1 billion dollars for a drug company that they then ran into the ground, then tons of money in R&D trying to build a better Alkaline battery (because the battery was going to be the new "film" - disposable repeat purchase - once digital took off).

Kodak invented itself into oblivion, not the other way around.

Comment Re:On paper, sure. But in reality the DEA makes la (Score 1) 484

The DEA and FDA have unconstitutional power, thanks to a little bill Nixon pushed through so he could arrest hippies. Now it will take some serious congressional balls to "look soft" on the war on drugs, in order to reverse this unconstitutional affront to our system of checks and balances.

Comment Re:Home of the brave? (Score 1) 589

The reality is the contract the studio has with the film makers probably has a "if this isn't released for some reason" clause in the contract... it probably doesn't have an "If we want to give away free copies to everyone for a PR move" clause. Even if Sony wanted to it couldn't do that... because Sony itself created a world where it is stuck between a lawyer brigade and a hactivist group.

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I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs. -- H.L. Mencken
