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Comment Re:Not yet. (Score 1) 275

Furthermore, we all know that a program that's still being beta tested still has its bugs. Even if the bugs were worked out so that a car "experienced a bug" only once every 100,000 miles, given the number of vehicles presently on the road and how much they are driven every day, that would still be too many "crashes" for society to find acceptable.

One error every 100,000 miles is several orders of magnitude less than a human. I have a hard time believing this is not an eventuality, both in safety and customer acceptance.

Comment Re:The problem with USPS is ... (Score 1) 398

Why don't you have the packages delivered to your office?

I have done this for some smaller items. But it just is not an option for larger or heavier items. Here is why: When I get done with work I walk 20 minutes to the train, Ride the train for 40 minutes, walk to my car, then drive 45 more minutes. Or I can drive to work and pay obscene parking, and deal with a bridge that has a lineup to cross it 18 hours a day, on a highway with extensive construction along most of my route. (Vancouver, BC, Canada. Port Mann Bridge in case anyone cares.) This is not going to change any time soon. My skills mean I will have to work in the downtown core. My lifestyle, and housing prices mean I will live far outside the downtown core. UPS and FedEx still suck! Someone needs to start a delivery service that delivers at night. (I would pay extra.)

Ask your local 7-11 to accept packages for you. If you live in an uncivilized environment without a 7-11, you should have one delivered to you so that you can sell slurpies to snotnosed children, cigarettes to miscreants, and mad dog to horny teenagers.

Comment Re:The problem with USPS is ... (Score 1) 398

I hate UPS and FedEx! So much so that I will not buy from anywhere that will not ship postal. Here is why: I am at work all day. UPS and FedEx will knock on my door, and then leave a note. Of course I will not be at home any weekday, so I have no choice but to go to their warehouse and pick up my package. Due to the hours they are open, and the obscene commute I have, I will have to leave work early to pick up my package. Now postal on the other hand, will drop the key to the large mailbox in my box and I get my package without needing to take time off work. Or if it requires a signature, the post office is only 4 blocks away and it is open quite late so I can pick up my package the following day. Canadian post office, so your mileage may vary. USPS, why not simply give up the Saturday delivery?

I had this problem too, except that instead of bitching, I just had all my packages delivered to work, where I was during the day. Failing that, there are mailbox centers or small business all over the place that would love $1 per package.

Comment Re:Don't like it (Score 1) 392

Treating adults like little children is ridiculous.

Treating adults like everything has to be serious all of the time and that they have to eschew a sense of spontaneity and wonder is ridiculous. I'm not really sure why you feel the need to draw the line.

The unemployed did need games for their self esteem. It's really sad that you and others find this demeaning. I think you fundamentally misunderstand what joy life can bring you and the nature of humor. I think that jarring someone's self image at a time when they need to rethink everything is brilliant.

On the other hand, I would imagine that most people's reaction wouldn't understand it and would mentally show up with pitchforks and torches; so I wouldn't have given the green light either. But that's only because that would be a waste of good capes.

Comment Re:Only.... (Score 1) 392

Crazy as that state is, there had to be at least *one* sane person in the room when that was pitched. Surely to god, there had to be one person there who saw the disaster coming. My question is "What kind of environment was so toxic that he wouldn't or couldn't speak up and challenge such an obviously FUCKING INSANE idea?" How beaten down and scared do you have to be before you let something like that slide by without comment? How crazy does a boss have to be before his subordinates are so tired that no one even bothers to say "I think this might be a bad idea."?

Actually, this is a great idea. The problem is on the people who receive the capes and say "I am not willing to change my worldview and become a hero instead of a victim". You can't serious your way out of unemployment or depression. You can make light of a bad situation. Most people who find various stabs at humor insensitive generally don't understand the nature of humor.

On the other hand, I probably wouldn't have greenlighted this because I know that most people are cowards.

Comment Re:Twitter good for conversation? (Score 1) 141

That's one thing I can't understand about Twitter — how can you have a conversation with arbitrary people, and have others view that conversation, if only Tweets inside follow-cliques appear on a person's timeline? Do conversations instead happen on hashtag streams, or Is it expected that one should monitor the "mention" tab so you can talk with people you don't follow (even though people watching your timeline will only see your side of the conversation).

I think you hit the nail on the head on why most slashdotters hate Twitter. It doesn't make sense from an objective point of view. Yet most people like it and want to use it. I think the fundamental lesson is that people *want* to use the best of what is available to them that they understand, and that they think other people are using, whether it really is the best tool for the job.

Comment Re:If they own the copyright... (Score 1) 194

As far as I know, doesn't matter that it is older, or that they didn't personally develop it. It is still copyrighted, and unless someone can show it was given to public domain, EA is within their rights to do this.

And I don't blame them for doing so. Ultima IV is better and has more depth than a majority of it's modern descendants. I would assert that Ultima 5, 6, or 7 were better than any Final Fantasy game.

Comment Re:What's the goal of it? (Score 1) 688

Your "piss" has a Frost to it. That's all I need to know about you. Idiot.

And while I post under my account with "excellent" karma, you post as an Anon Coward.

Wait a sec.

And while I post under my account with excellent "karma", you post as an Anon Coward.

There, I fixed that for you. Have fun becoming successively angrier as people figure out ways to use the internet that suit their own needs.

Comment Re:Groupon (Score 1) 245

Groupon has a great business idea, AND it's mainly targeted to girls and women who also spend a lot for beauty things. They make shitloads of money as well as does the partner companies and their users. Win-win-win.

What are you talking about? All of my Groupons are for Role Playing books and All Terrain Vehicle discounts. Not to mention the lifesize trojan horses and doomsday devices.

Comment Re:Holy Hooves, Batman! (Score 1) 181

You probably just used the wrong form of its/it's or their/they're/there. Please double check, before I have an aneurysm

Offtopic, but you've probably never heard of Neutral Possessive. "it's", as in "The tidal wave and it's destruction were watched throughout the world". Now I know you're saying that this does not exist in the English language, but language is open source and dynamic. Any opinion against this rule change is bigoted against inanimate objects. Or in the case of the tidal wave, animated objects without cognitive abilities; or taken further, water based disaster events not named by a scientific body such as a hurricane or typhoon.

Comment Re:People associate it wrongly (Score 1) 209

Well, are you sure would really want to tell right away to some girl you meet that you read comic books or watch anime? Things like can make people think about you wrongly. And for example, when I'm visiting Thailand I like the ladyboys there, but it's not something I'd say to anyone when I first meet them.

One of my best friends became that way because of a clear and direct admission of ladyboys and capes.

On a side topic, I'm sure you're familiar with women who pretend to like sports in order to be more appealing to a romantic partner. I've found in the last few years women who pretend to like comic books. They have them on the shelf, but do not survive more than a cursory question about the content or characters. (This is independent of the women who actually like sports or comic books. Or, men like myself who pretend to know about sports in the company of men because it's preferable to talking about the weather, their children, or their lawns; which is shameful where I come from)

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