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Comment Re:All the cool kids are doing it! (Score 1) 251

that's not how slashdot works. This is a truly free speech zone. That's what moderation is for. It buries but never deletes which is a much better system. For those who truly want to read everything set to -1 and fill your boots. For the rest of us set it from 1 to 5 as per your own preference and you can avoid reading totally horrible stuff.

Comment Get off my lawn time.. (Score 3, Interesting) 61

Can't anybody just let life happen anymore? No more spontaneous meetups, no more random happenings. Everything orderly, predictable and uploadable for facebook to make money with. I'm no luddite, I spend a good amount of my life working with and using technology, but stuff like this? I guess this is where I diverge from the younger generation. To each his own I guess. Don't mean to come down as judgmental or anything, I would like to hear the other side and how this stuff actually makes life better.

Comment Re:Ability to design and write software... (Score 1) 581

After I started learning to code very late in life I realized that I will never finish learning and probably will never be as good at it than really good coders. But on the flip side I don't want to be someone who is paid to code. I am building these skills to enhance the ones I already have and just for fun. It's opened up so many project possibilities for me. Now if I can only keep getting better.

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