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Comment Re:Unless the plant is surrounded in a glass dome. (Score 1) 128

If fukushima taught us anything, it's that you need to cut the power coming in (the plants require mains power from the grid to operate), and disable the generator. Those two things, and nearly all designs of plants will melt down.

Except for ones with passive cooling. Guess which ones we should be building.

Comment Re:Aero? (Score 1) 209

I don't so much mind the flatness as the drive toward black-and-white UI icons. That is a UX "innovation" that needs to die, now. Even today when I fire up an old copy of Visual Studio 2010 I think the interface is so much nicer and richer than the minimalist BS of today.

Comment Re:Every time XKCD 936 is Mentioned (Score 1) 549

Weirly, I was thinking about that comic entry just a couple of days ago. "It's simple math that shows that Munroe's method is better for creating stronger password" - is it, though? What about dictionary attacks? Attackers could just join 3 or 4 English words together in an attempt to brute force such passwords. This drastically reduces that kind of "passphrase"'s entropy.

Comment Re:If you dare... (Score 2) 216


Women can vote too. Apparently they're voting for men. Or maybe not as many women are willing to put in the time and effort to be high-ranking politicians. Either way I don't see any "power imbalance". Women have equal opportunity.

The only ones of which I am aware are Maternity leave (more common that Paternity leave) and alimony.

Yeah quite. Rather unfair to men, isn't it? Especially alimony, which as I understand it in the US is basically a free monthly payment to a woman when she decides she wants to end the marriage.

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