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Comment Re:Dwindling Helium Supplies? (Score 1) 121

It was mostly a PR disaster. It is very far down the list of actual disasters. It happened slowly, so there was footage of it, which horrified everyone. Most disasters do not get that kind of media coverage even today.

My favourite lifting gas is steam, which would require the airship to be 25% longer+wider+taller (~ double the volume).

Comment Re:Can someone explain to a layman (Score 1) 191

That's the point, they don't intend to fork the distro. The value proposition of CentOS and its clones was precisely that they did NOT fork RHEL; they stayed exactly the same apart from logos and labels.

To continue doing so, the clones would have to regularly buy a new subscription to get the updates up to that point.

Comment Re: EV detractors chime in (Score 2) 172

Like with so many other things, your "research" is once again faulty.

Really? I checked the CCS2 standard used in Europe and it looks like it tops out at about 150 kW while NACS allows 250 kW

300kW chargers are common in Europe. Tesla is "only" 250kW for now, both on the charger and the vehicle side. All chargers are CCS2, except for a few CHAdeMO.

Comment Re:Heat networks are inefficient (Score 2) 35

Heat can be stored seasonally for district heating. This is one of very few reasonably cheap ways to make power demand flexible on a monthly basis. Heat pumps on their own typically need to run at the time that heating is required, no matter how expensive electricity is. In Denmark, more than half of all dwellings are heated with district heating. It is not a niche technology.

The additional advantage is that it is quicker to change heat source. Industrial heat, waste incinerators, biomass, solar, and heat pumps all feed into the same system, and when new technologies become available, you do not have to switch every house to a new system.

Comment Re:Do not fret, Lockheed will be ok (Score 2) 141

So you want a 50% income tax on top of existing income taxes for incomes above $10k, until you hit $48k, where the tax rate drops by 50 percentage points.

This creates exactly the problem that UBI was invented to solve: that lower incomes experience high effective taxation, sometimes above 100%.

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