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Comment Re:Good news for all us have-nots!!! (Score 3, Informative) 241

Anyone can live paycheck to paycheck.

I have a colleague who makes mid 6 figures and still can't manage to save more than what's put in automatically to his 401k equivalent by our employer. I also know several friends making ~80K a year that are on the verge of bankruptcy.

It's called living below your means. If you can afford a 1200/month rent, pay 1000/month and put the rest away in long term savings. Put it into an ETF (exchange traded fund) and get an average 5% per year growth.

1 year - $2454
2 years - $5031
3 years - $7737
4 years - $10579
10 years - $30873

The miracle of compounded interest.

Comment Re:iGoogle Disaster (Score 1) 435

I started migrating to about 1-2 months ago. Took me an hour to get all the RSS feeds in correctly (could have probably done it quicker if I had exported from iGoogle). Took me another hour to get the color scheme to something close to iGoogle.

Now I have more flexibility than I ever did with iGoogle. My only complaint is that the protopage Google Calendar widget only shows a single calendar, while I like to show all my calendars. But I'm an outlier - I have 8-9 active calendars to keep things separate in work and home lives.

Comment Re:Check the ticket: she was doing 80 (Score 1) 638

Most police work means they can make up whatever they want if cases of your word vs theirs (which is very often). However, most traffic cops aren't going to bother with you if you don't do something to catch their attention in the first place, such as going much faster than traffic, changing lanes often, swerving within or between lanes, not signaling, tailgating, etc.

Like most humans, cops are lazy. And this is California, not Texas. You're probably not going to get pulled over for Driving While Black. If the cop sees something that catches their attention, however, they'll find an excuse to pull you over.

And, no, I highly doubt that wearing Goggle Glass is going to do it. It probably looks like a hair band or fancy glasses to someone in the next car over.

Comment Re:Wearing Glass was the third violation on ticket (Score 1) 638

Actually, I'm pretty sure everywhere I've driven on a highway (in the U.S. at least) there's a Speed Limit sign just after every entry point to the highway.

If I don't see a speed limit sign and I'm on a highway, I just assume it's the limit for the State (usually 55mph, but higher in quite a few).

Comment Re:Submersible, but not dry (Score 1) 91

Sure. It starts off as a simple project to have fun with his engineers (probably worth the money, just to keep the engineers happy).

Then a couple years down the line he comes out with something that is marketable.

My dad always wanted to buy a boat but just couldn't justify it. Imagine having the option of an electric car that could turn into a submarine?

My thought: Next he's going to invest in biosphere research. Then a completely self-sufficient underwater biodome. Then a moon dome.

We may be in the middle of the origin story of a Bond villain here...

Comment Re:Another cramped canyon (Score 1) 1191

Current Slashdot flows to my display and still looks good. New Slashdot is yet another "cramped canyon".

It'll be sad if Slashdot succumbs to the "looks good on our iPad so it's done" mentality.

Actually, looking at the beta again, I bet this is exactly what happened.

Someone was tasked to make /. look good on a tablet and came up with this. That being said, /. mobile version actually looks pretty good on tablets, so I think they just had a bad batch of crack when they were making the decision.

Comment Load More Comments??? (Score 1) 1191

WTF does "Load More Comments" do? Load 5 comments at a time?

If you really don't want people to comment, just disable comments. I'll just go to another website to read comments. I sure as heck don't come here to read the articles.

While we're at it, any other sites have good comment sections that you guys (users, not DICE) recommend?

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