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Comment Re: Mac/Linux support removed... mildly surprised (Score 2) 227

Valve is already interested. The HTC/Valve VR system is a competitor to the Oculus Rift, and will probably be better due to Valve's background in game publishing.

And Linux support, and more Linux games, and not having just pissed off the Linux community by ditching them at the side of the road... Who world have thought how much the Linux community would support a DRM company?

Comment Re: Well... (Score 1) 227

I'm happy I didn't kickstart it now. I'll just wait for a competitor with support. For the amount of money they made during the kickstarter, there is no reason why they couldn't do that

No doubt! And another reason kickstarter can bite you in the ass. I wonder if the Linux folks (who in the beginning of the humble indie bundle were much more that %1.5 of the revenue) are demanding their kickstarter bid back?

Comment Re:Old news, over and over (Score 1) 147

The most common mechanical keyboards are gaming boards using Cherry switches, which are usually a little under $100. They've been in common use for at least six or seven years, and work for 'normal' use in a pinch.

Other then that pesky little fact that they do not use Cherry switches. They use an ALPS inspired switch. Of course that is not covered in the article or summery. They just talk about a half keyboard that uses space like a shift key to make it the other half of the keyboard. Also not exactly common.

Comment Re:This seems batshit crazy. (Score 2) 216

This will fall on appeal. You have an expectation of privacy in private places. So tracking you at home is still a violation... Very poor decision.

That said, he was an idiot for bringing it to the bank he was casing. Which also makes my point... It is more of an invasion for the law abiding then for the law breakers.

Comment Re:Except they just turn the power off (Score 1) 288

(Along with hardware methods like some kind of RFID reader built in to the keyboard/mouse which locks things up if the RFID ring/bracelet/patch on your hand goes out of range, etc.)

Already exists based on the blue tooth in your phone. Walk up and it logs you in. Walk off and it locks the screen.

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