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User Journal

Journal Journal: Friends II 5

This is an ideal time to start another friends JE. Since turg and his wife just had a baby, and he and I both can use some generously-given advice from johndiii, here it is. Johndiii is my newest friend.
User Journal

Journal Journal: security system interface card? 10

Okay, I have a question that hopefully someone has encountered before. Google has turned up some (quite) vague and remote possibilities, but if some of my /. friends have already found a solution to this, I would be most grateful if they shared it ;)

I'm looking for an I/O card that will send an email upon "open switch/closed switch" contact. For instance:


Journal Journal: Moderation IV 2

Thursday 12 February: I just logged in to check a couple journal entries, and I found mod points waiting for me. The journals offered entertaining reading, and though I identified with much of each, I didn't feel like I had anything to contribute. I'm trying to reduce my quantity of posts by the same number of value
User Journal

Journal Journal: Qwest is my favorite 13

So the jackasses at Qwest lost $274 of my money (which I sent to them on the 22nd!), and as of this morning my three mobile phones are off. They had to launch a freaking "payment investigation" and everything. Six hours of my damn day wasted, and it's *still* not resolved. They can't even get this crap figured out until tomorrow.

Journal Journal: moderation III 3

Wednesday, 10 September: Constantly playing "Catch Up," I'm once again getting set to fall behind. Mod points for three Wednesdays in a row. I just made the final changes to my last moderation-oriented journal entry yesterday, and I've already got more points.

That's funny, I don't actually recall giving CmdrTaco a hand job...

As usual, I'm open to suggestions.


Journal Journal: moderation II

I am quite surprised to have mod points today (Wednesday, 3 September), since it's only been a week.

As always, I'm open to suggestions, and I'll get back to them (the mod points ;) soon.


Journal Journal: moderation I 1

I got mod points today (Wednesday, 27 August), which is a bit scary since I haven't even had time to read the moderation review by Xandar01 posted some nine days ago. I hope he got his plumbing issue resolved with a minimal amount of pain.
User Journal

Journal Journal: friends I 3

I'm going to attempt to keep track here of my friends and the reasons why I've decided to add each to the list. I'm sure it will require new installments every 15 days or so as the "discussion has been archived." Since the list is already huge, I know I'll never be caught up. If I needed complete accuracy, I could just remove everyone and start over, but that hardly [lameass joke] seems fair to those who have already posted something to warrant earning a place among the ranks, right?
User Journal

Journal Journal: A journal entry ALREADY?!? 6

There are slashdotters who write in their journal every day. My own journal has languished in disuse, since I've never had anything worth putting in it. Well I finally do.

I found a +4 funny post today by Xandar01 . And while it made me grin, I found the post to be more informative than funny. But what I really admire is his sig:

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