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Comment one way tickets... (Score 1) 749

Perhaps the US gov will save money buying one way tickets for their minions trying to access these foreign servers. Snooping on various kinds of information are criminal privacy invasions in some countries and need serious consequences. Something about their previous bad experience with murderous dictators. Hopefully criminals from the US won't get a free pass just because they are US gov employees.

Comment side effects, measurement and false claims (Score 1) 186

If it were that wonderful, it might save more like 1,000,000 lives a year. 100,000 is potentially a rounding error or redefinition game in measurement.

Major poicy mistakes that enslave us or cause a social meltdown like a revolution, might cost millions of lives per year.

One of the principal problems with health and healthcare today is that individuals, groups an corporations have been shaving and flaking largely unseen pieces of the public's health off for a lousy "profit" this past century with scams, defective goods and techniques known to somebody. We should trust you now with our most personal information that be used as weapons and chains ?

Comment smart hippies ...what could possibly go wrong (Score 4, Interesting) 396

Beta carotene is only one of hundreds of carotenoids. We know that there are other carotenoids with important properties for human health e,g, lutein, lycopene, astaxanthin.

Better to think of beta carotene as a marker in foods rather than a be-all, end-all carotenoid. Also balance with other oil soluble and anti-oxidant nutrients can be important.

Comment unhealthy (Score 1) 59

The ultimate processed food, printed to resemble the real thing. Many molecules of unprocessed, grown fruits and vegetables are quite different. These properties are as yet underappreciated as essential nutrients. 3D printing is a gee whiz menace from faster foods.

I knew a precocious 16 y.o. young girl in a great college, who later married a gourmet chef that made faux foods to delight her taste buds. She died before age 50 with chronic illness that I think reflects modern [lack of] nutrition.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
