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Comment Re:is it going to be buggy as always? (Score 1) 74

I've had great luck with the 2013 N7 as well. No bloatware, rooted, has a utility that does a TRIM command every so often, and I can SSH into it if I need a file I'm working on. It is a nice medium size for reading.

The Android sites also show that Android L is working on the N7, so it should be supported in the next OS rev.

Comment Re:In lost the will to live ... (Score 1) 795

Counterpoint: divine right of kings followed Christianity around for thousands of years.

Counterpoint 2: "Slaves, Obey your masters." Not a notion exactly extolling equality.

Counterpoint 3: Christianity definitely and clearly makes Jesus out to be better than other people.

N.B. "Love thy enemy" is probably a better citation for the argument you're trying to make.

Comment Re:Cue "All we are is dust in the wind" (Score 1) 133

On the other hand, evolution almost certainly selected for its existence in the first place as a means of causing eusocial behavior, a claim I lightly corroborate with the fact that that region of the brain is activated by communal experiences.

But now we're getting into lazy evo psych where I come up with ad-hoc explanations for things and use it to justify my biases. So I don't think I'm going to go out of my way to defend the claim.

Comment Re:Cue "All we are is dust in the wind" (Score 2, Interesting) 133

A. The pope, in line with Catholic Orthodoxy, is not creationist. Not in the totally nutter, young earth science denialism sense, anyways.
B. Everyone believes at least a few objectively wrong things. Getting on religion for the grandiosity of the incorrect claims it makes just seems silly. In the end, big things matter less to be wrong about, not more.
C. It doesn't all come from "believing what they're told." It comes from personal feelings, intuition, common sense, and a host of other inputs as well. This is coming from a neurological perspective, not just hypothetical counter-argument. For example, there's a part of the brain responsible for causing religious experiences. Atheists tend to have much smaller brain regions for that.
D. If I should instead appeal to your ego: religiosity and intelligence both predict many of the same positive life outcomes, even though they, themselves, are inversely correlated. That's good reason to believe that religion is filling an important role for people who might be worse off without it. You can imagine yourself getting its benefits elsewhere.

Comment Re:Cue "All we are is dust in the wind" (Score 1) 133

Honestly the young earth creationist types(who are the only anti-science conservatives relevant in this case) don't pay that much attention to hard data and observational methodology at all. Certainly light that was moved magnetically over the course of billions of years of travel is not evidence that they'd be particular inclined to use, even in that case.

Their objections fall more into the category of dismissing things with "common sense" objections that reflect very little understanding of the idea being challenged.

Comment Re:“We were, of course, disappointed,” (Score 1) 133

Well, even the summary makes it complicated. The dust can account for 100% of the signal, and occam's razor suggests that's the best assumption for explaining their measurements. But dust can also cause other signals, and what science calls for here is an experiment that can differentiate the two hypotheses. Which sounds hard, because what can you measure changes in besides the light, which would be affected by magnetic dust?

Maybe neutrons? Or neutrinos(good luck)? The distinction might still be measurable.

Comment ask not for whom the bell doesn't chime (Score 1) 478

Yeah, if he's stuck in a state of decline, he can still contribute.

I guess you don't have any grandparents who live alone, but can no longer reliably identify their own children. My wife's grandmother recently "celebrated" her ninetieth birthday (I don't use scare quotes lightly). All her "loved ones" showed up. She spent the entire day looking like a four-year-old lost in a giant shopping mall. She didn't know who she was, who anyone else was, where she was (with all the people around, she couldn't identify the house she had lived in since 1950). Out of compassion, the family soon arranged a quiet room, so that she could "contribute" to the celebration by sitting alone in a nearby room.

You are so deep into denial about the reality of aging, I had to pull out triple scare quotes. If you still don't get it, I'm done. I'll just have to say "I've got nothing" and leave to you to your own date with destiny. Enjoy it, if you can.

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