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Comment Re:Al Gore warned about it. (Score 1) 67

You know, if you keep building more and more high ways the cities will sprawl uncontrollably. Al Gore warned us about it back in 2000. (If he had not, he would have, I mean at least it is the sort of thing he would have warned about). Now we have sprawled to some 500 million light year diameter. When you face that impossibly long commute, remember that prophetic sage.

Al Gore is not a prophet

Comment Re:I'm starting to wonder... (Score 2) 182

I encourage you to think carefully about what you care most about and sign up as a steady, long-term donor to a few causes that are really important to you... this is of far more long-term benefit than episodic giving.

I recommend the Free Software Foundation.

dump a bucket of microsoft disk cases and old win95 floppies on your head for the FSF challenge

Comment Re:Alleged leaker already named (Score 1) 336

This seems to explain how the pictures were acquired and that it wasn't just one guy stealing them and it isn't just one guy distributing them:

This is going to be harder to control and contain than the DefDist 3D printed gun part cad files when they got taken down by the DoD. In other words, absolutely impossible.

What was even more clever was doing it on a holiday weekend, everyone's barbecuing.

Comment Re:Here they come... (Score 2) 336

Fact of the matter is, tech-types who should know better still struggle with digital security and lose; laymen don't really have a chance.

The only winning move is not to play.

I'm just surprised this didn't happen sooner. Perhaps the amount of hip/trendy celebs using iphones/mac/icloud just reached critical mass and this is the resulting explosion.

To get philosophical about it. this is another example of the cool people getting owned by the geeks. Revenge of the nerds, right? Too soon?

Comment Re:Where are these photos? (Score 1) 336

You get a shot at seeing boobies and all the sudden all those complaints you have about the NSA peeking at your files goes flying out the window. When that's brought up all the sudden we've got something worthwhile to spend our mod-points on. Cute.

Let me make this simple in case there's a post-fap-clearer-head lurking around this area of the thread: No, you do not have a good reason to acquire those photos. Yes, you are a bad person for grabbing them and sharing them. No, modding my posts down does not make me wrong about it. You lot, and you know who you are, are despicable.

Jennifer Lawrence, is that you?

Comment Re:How much is due to Congestion (Score 2) 72

My Japan wifi experience was: amazing speeds, 20 hours a day, completely unusable for 4 hours a day. Fortunately there was an ethernet port - far more valuable to me than wifi.

Yeah, before I went to Japan my "assumption" was that every square inch of the place was wired. Internet everywhere. All I'd ever seen was pictures of that one busy street in Tokyo with all the lights and glitz.

This was in Onoda, and we were staying in what I heard was "the only" western style hotel. If I recall it was a wired connection only, and the entire service would go down periodically, pretty much daily. I'd have to go to the front desk and say "internet down. no internet. can please fix?" or something of that nature and hope they would understand and go back into the back and reset it.

It was funny because they would recognize every westerner on the trip by face and hand each of us our correct room key when we came back to the hotel without a word, just a smile and a nod.

Sigh. That was a good trip, I hope to go back sometime. Very nice people and a beautiful country. Very memorable, especially the visit to Hiroshima and the museum there. I'd never felt quite that awkward before, as a US citizen in the Hiroshima museum.

Comment Re:How much is due to Congestion (Score 1) 72

I've never had good internet service, really good, on hotel wifi - with one exception.

The worst was in Japan, go figure. It was down half the time, and no-one at the front desk spoke english. Fun fun fun. I was probably in the Japanese equivalent of Gary - in the ONLY Western style hotel in the city. Any more native and I'm pooping in a hole in the floor.

My one memorable good connection - I was at a UTM appliance training session and the wifi in the room connected me to lousy service, however the training company got the hotel to hook the training room up to the GOOD STUFF. We were connected to rock solid service with sustained upload and download both in the 47 megabit range.

So, congestion - yes. My guess is that they put the rooms to a ganged up and metered port whereas the admin connection is free and clear.

Comment Re:20 megawatts (Score 1) 195

Modded down for telling the truth. These guys are wasting a small town's worth of power to do worthless calculations.

On more than one occasion I have used bitcoin - that I mined myself - to buy something useful.

I created real money out of thin air using "worthless calculations" and then purchased a good or service with that money directly.

Crypto mining is NOT worthless.

Crypto is NOT going away.

Comment Re:Microsoft is wasting people's time (Score 1) 346

" And Windows 8 as is is ONLY oriented towards tablets"


I recently fixed a Surface Pro 2 tablet for a client of mine. He had a VPN client installed which blew up the wifi when the recent MS update went through which updated ***EVERYTHING*** on the tablet.

It isn't TOTALLY bad. It isn't good either. It's way too thick, too heavy, too hot. The screen is very nice I'll give it that.

The OS is annoying and frustrating and - for the life of me - purposely and consistently inconsistent. Follow me there? It's like it just does things differently for no reason. Bring up the "jewels" menu and then "settings" while in the tile desktop and stuff is one way, bring up the same menu while in the old school desktop and it is another way.

I've worked on a few desktop and laptops with windows 8 and the VERY first thing I do on FIRST BOOT is install the 3rd party taskbar hack. Working on this surface is the first time I've taken the time to figure out how to get around on 8. Because it's actually a tablet.

Windows 8 IS geared only towards tablets, for some reason it mistakenly gets installed on laptops and desktops without touch screens.

If someone gave me a surface pro I would sell it and buy an ASUS transformer or just a 10" galaxy note with a keyboard cover.

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