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Comment Re:LOL Nope (Score 3, Informative) 30

I live in the suburbs (Orange County, CA - Not the really rich part, either), and have a 5GB fiber option available at my home for less than $250/month. We also have 2 other fiber providers available, one "only" offers 2GB, the other a lowly 1GB synchronous connection.

So yeah, a lot of people either have access to this capacity now, or will in a short time.

Not to mention the benefits of intranet traffic, like if you have a media server or file server on your home network.

Comment Back to the pirate bay then (Score 2) 48

HBO has such a great catalog of older shows, many of which aren't available on their streaming service. So back to piracy it is then. And at that point, why pay for the service if I'm pirating their stuff already? I'll take that subscription money that I'm saving and put it towards a VPN.

And on a side note, these companies keep dropping their shows for tax breaks. So in exchange for those tax breaks, why not make the shows that they're dropping public domain? We're all subsidizing them at that point, but currently getting nothing for it.

Comment Amazon sucks worse than normal now (Score 4, Informative) 52

Amazon sucks even worse than usual lately. I've stopped buying from them almost completely. The price of Prime keeps going up, while the percentage of times that their shit gets delivered on time goes down. I live in a pretty large metro area, we've got at least 3 Amazon DCs nearby, 2 Amazon Air hubs, and a handful of local distribution warehouses. Probably half the time my stuff comes later than promised, or not at all. And they used to give you a free month of Prime, or some other little token BS if you contacted them about late packages, they don't even do that any more.

A lot of times when I used to buy stuff off of Amazon, it was stuff that I needed by a certain date, and they usually got it for me. Things like a last minute item needed for a camping trip or vacation, or a tool to fix my bike before a race, or things like that. But I don't do that any more, because they can't reliably get my purchases to me on time.

And don't get me started on their counterfeit problems, or what a disgusting person Bezos is.

Hopefully their storefront is dying, and we'll start getting more small local shops opening back up.

Submission + - Popular .Net mocking framework Moq extracting user emails, nagging for funds (snyk.io)

SoCalChris writes: The latest version of the popular .Net mocking framework Moq has started extracting user's emails from git and checking if they sponsor the project, and throwing a build warning if they don't. The framework is hashing the email and sending it to a closed source third party for verification. In addition to the privacy concerns, this is likely breaking numerous EU privacy laws, and breaking builds for projects that treat warnings as errors. Numerous large projects, such as Stack Exchange are already looking to replace Moq with alternatives. There's a good post about what it's doing here, as well as a reddit thread full of developers discussing the implications. While funding for large widely used OSS projects is a topic that needs to be addressed, this is the wrong way to go about it.

Comment Re:Exactly opposite of my experience (Score 2) 45

I'm in Southern California, have 2 amazon Fresh stores within about 5 miles, 2 Amazon Air hubs within 50 miles, and roughly 4 distribution centers that almost all of my packages go through within about 15 miles.

In the last year, it seems like roughly half the time my packages from them either wind up being a few days late, or just completely disappear during transit. It's gotten bad enough that I don't purchase most things from Amazon any more. They used to at least give you a free month of Prime when that happened, but they don't even do that any more. And returns are more difficult now too. Some orders they let me return to the Amazon Fresh, some to Kohl's, and some can only go back via the UPS store. It's not nearly as convenient as it used to be, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to where they will let you return items to any more.

This doesn't seem to be a rural only issue.

Comment Re:They're never going to be satisfied (Score 1) 163

Firefox on iOS doesn't give me any issues browsing Slashdot. Maybe something is screwed up in your cache?

I switched back to Firefox from Chrome because of the shit that Google has been more openly pulling lately, and I assume it's just a matter of time before they start blocking out ad blockers and other extensions that they don't like. So far Firefox has been great. The extensions are great, and the developer tools are every bit as good as what Chrome offers. The Firefox Developer Edition comes standard with a bunch of dev tools already enabled, I'm using this for work now over Chrome.

Every now and then I come across a page that just flat out doesn't work on Firefox, and I need to switch over to Chrome for that. It's pretty rare that that happens though.

Comment Re: Here's a weird idea (Score 1) 274

Bryers is one of the worst offenders. They claim to do it because "Consumer's prefer the taste and texture of that recipe!", but blind taste tests show that they're as full of shit as their "frozen dairy dessert" is.


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