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Comment Macro / Scripting (Score 1) 422

Everyone should learn how to write macros ie: script. You can easily make a very functional program in VBA to do most data processing you would need and even store the code in a separate file that can be used by other sheets/workbooks and modified or updated between projects.

I would never suggest putting processing into a cell, unless you were just trying to figure something out fast.

I look at Excel as a sandbox. Some people can make awesome sand castles and others struggle.

Comment Anti-competition (Score 1) 64

My experience with a lot of these types of reviews is competing restaurant owners tend to use it as a way to mud sling, so it's tough to weed out false reviews from the real deal. Any customer who is inconsolable from an experience could be a fraud. Most people realize that mistakes can happen and place a higher level of respect for restaurants based on how they resolve an issue. Then there are the customers who just want free food and if they are denied it they are very nasty about it online. My proposed policy from restaurant owners is to never comp a meal. Provide better service, give a reduction on the final bill but only if you know for certain it was your fault. Some restaurants may decide to strap their servers with Google Glass in the near future so they can review customer orders, to prevent this kind of thing. "I said I wanted the steak well done and you served it rare!" Review the footage, "I'd like a rare steak with potatoes and..."

Comment Re:a group representing independent musicians (Score 1) 197

It's so true. Nothing saps creative energy like the business side and it's the music business because someone has to pay for those crazy hats, skin tight pants, stages, lights, promo, food, booze, drugs and whatever else you can think of that helps grease the machine.

A group of independents would be kind of an oxymoron wouldn't it? The technology exists to enable each musician to become truly independent of the music industry but it's tough to become a strong signal through so much noise. Youtube has essentially replaced radio play as the most popular medium of our day. That's changing however.

Comment Do no evil. (see, speak and acquiesce to evil tho) (Score 1, Interesting) 197

Youtube is a cesspool these days. Soon someone will create a musician-friendly site that has STANDARDS that favor musicians. I would be all over that.

HTML5 video means you don't need Youtube anymore to successfully distribute videos. Torrent or stream yourself.

P2P is the answer.

Comment What the ISPs will hear (Score 4, Interesting) 182

The big vile ISPs are notorious for not listening. Rules will exist meant to ensure that everyone has a fair business model for ISPs and then the big guys will keep looking at the model to squeeze more and more money out of it because fair business isn't enough for those guys... they have to squeeze every last nickel out.

What we need is a global competitor to big ISPs that can deploy anywhere. Google could be that new hope, but so could a DIY off-grid group. Google's baloon experiment could be what we need but it doesn't have to stop there and also it is important to note that Google's closeness to NSA is problematic.

There are other better answers to big ISP. Teleporation could destroy the ISP business model and place the power directly in the hands of each individual. No more government spying. No more ISP bullshit.

Comment Re:RealCTF (Score 1) 122

After this comment to you, I've said all I am going to say to you about this. You can live in denial if you prefer.

Don't like what I have to say? Tackle the issues. Stop attacking the person presenting them.

When I first started posting from this acct I acquired about 25-40 new cyber stalkers, and each loooooved the ad hominem attack because it is a cheap way to smear someone and try to ruin someone's day. They would reply after everything I said that I bought the acct on Ebay... just to warn everyone that I was not special. They would say that anything I said was false because I said it. I could say the sky is blue and they would argue that the deflection of blue light meant the sky was not actually blue that it was in fact REPULSING BLUE. You get me?

They aren't wrong... they are just assholes. You can join them if you like. That's your choice.

But I think I finally frustrated them all enough that they stopped caring at the time. They realized that what I'm saying is what matters, not who I am. I was one of the people in World of Warcraft to receive the Insane title pre-nerf, so you know I'm not easily deterred from something. Of course you'll think of all kinds of negative things to hook into about this reply to you but you'll be wasting your time.

The fellow you used to post from this acct wasn't particularly special. He sold it for beer money.

The fact that he sold it at all says something about him. I would never have sold it. He gave up the one cool thing about him on the internet... for beer money.

He wasn't some rocket scientist... he was a college student who accidentally got into Slashdot's beta just because he was hanging around the place it was being developed and he was one of the earliest adopters if memory serves. He stopped caring about the site and actually never really liked it. Too many trolls.

I've done beta testing and system design. Arguably I am of a higher technical systems background than the previous owner of UID#56 if memory serves correctly.

I certainly value(d) it more than him. The new beta design appears to be eliminating the UID altogether. Think about that for a sec... still want to attack?

So you have no life, and you want to make sure others don't enjoy theirs. Enjoy your meaningless journey. I don't care if you cyber stalk every thread I post in. I will hold my opinions as long as they make sense to me, and offer them freely to others. Don't like it? Cry about it in a reply. Stalk me if you must do so...

Is your life that meaningless?

Comment Re:RealCTF (Score 3, Interesting) 122

He bought / stole the account, and he's been spouting a lot of bullshit lately.

And you're spouting a little right now! ;-)

Suggesting this acct was stolen is just a patent falsehood. The original owner of this acct sold it for $100 in a very well publicized Ebay auction. I happened to win the auction and I felt at the time that a piece of Slashdot history (a beta account -- 2digit already) was well worth the money out of sheer novelty. A 3digit acct later sold for around $700 and another for $200-300, from what I could tell.

Love or hate the low-uid, you have to admire any piece of Slashdot history. CmdrTaco is probably the only person posting with a lower UID than me and he's not posted here in a long time (2011). I donated quite a bit of time to helping CmdrTaco on a revamp of the moderation system over several emails back and forth, and he was appreciative of my feedback. I'm a programmer and system designer so he didn't just outright reject what was said. There was a small think-tank of us working on it. But shortly after that Slashdot was sold and the changes were never implemented.

Come on man. I enjoy Slashdot. I've posted my wacky opinion here for quite a long time. My other acct was 6 digit. The one before that was a 4-digit low to mid 2000s uid. I've since lost access to both of those. A good friend was very involved with this site early on and tried to get us all into it back on the TWCTF mailing list back in the day.

So you're not wrong... except you are wrong about the stealing thing.

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