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Comment ME and Vista (Score 1, Interesting) 187

I like how Windows follows a SIN curve of customer satisfaction, almost flawlessly. My prediction is that Win 9 will be the next XP, loved by all only to be replaced by Win10 which everyone will hate... and so on and so forth, ad nauseam.

This kind of business policy is pretty corrupt and if it's not illegal it really should be.

Each release guarantees problems between users in terms of learning curve. Techsupport bottlenecks each time and they take the brunt of the flak from idealized Microsoft decision making.

Comment Re:Students (Score 1) 185

Nonsense. Facts exist regardless of perspective. Facts surrounding Clancy's writing are easily misunderstood without context. Had he been an unpublished college student he would have been investigated for espionage or planning some horrible future crime. Context is not available through logfile analysis. Context happens outside of logs or monitoring.

Comment Students (Score 2) 185

There are so many reasons that colleges and universities should step way back from network monitoring but the best one I can think of to sell it to your school, is one of limiting liability. If the school is monitoring all network traffic and tying it to students, then they are totally responsible for any safety incidents that occur from a preventative standpoint. Legally speaking a victim of any crime could then sue the school if they failed to prevent anything. As it stands now a school is responsible for anything that happens on their grounds but they can't really be sued directly for something like Columbine, that I am aware of. If the network monitoring goes live and there are manifestos posted through the school internet that go unnoticed, then the school is going to be hit with massive lawsuits down the road... plus the expense of having to monitor that information.

Because from my perspective, paying an ISP to run traffic back and forth is CHEAP. Monitoring a network is VERY EXPENSIVE.

What's the payoff for schools? You might think it's some sinister reason, but I can assure you this is some very angry person in the IT dept or somewhere in the school who merely enjoys feeling powerful so they are pushing this kind of authoritarian agenda just to flex their muscles. There is not one shred of financial reasoning to take on all that insurance risk... and God forbid the insurance people find a loophole if shit goes down on the campus or even off campus.

Then you have your would-be novelists. Imagine what Tom Clancy's internet history looks like.

tl:dr; schools that follow any student's browsing habits become responsible for whatever that student does or APPEARS to do

Comment Re:Sounds Insightful... (Score 1) 772

No you see you're missing the point. This point I'm trying to introduce to you is that the people discussing a fact have nothing to do with the fact. Their belief is irrelevant and yet so often we have logical fallacy introduced to discussions because a person injects themselves into the discussion and presents their opinion without substantiating the premise. You could present an ontologically pure idea to someone and they might reject it because YOU presented it... which is biased perception, in effect.

Laziness is in the way of progress.

Rather than attack an argument at its premise or at its foundations, the attack is at the presenter or at the fringe issues or to present irrelevant ideas to try and disarm the premise. Believing and those who practice that bad habit are fools... gathering as many others as they can to bring them along for a dozen fool's errands.

Comment Sounds Insightful... (Score 1) 772

Your response certainly sounds insightful but in reality, when something is a fact, there is no need to state that you believe it or why you believe it. Injecting yourself into the conversation is trading on the value of fact, which ought to be illegal. Facts are something that everyone is inherently owed as debt to the pains of life.

Comment Macro / Scripting (Score 1) 422

Everyone should learn how to write macros ie: script. You can easily make a very functional program in VBA to do most data processing you would need and even store the code in a separate file that can be used by other sheets/workbooks and modified or updated between projects.

I would never suggest putting processing into a cell, unless you were just trying to figure something out fast.

I look at Excel as a sandbox. Some people can make awesome sand castles and others struggle.

Comment Anti-competition (Score 1) 64

My experience with a lot of these types of reviews is competing restaurant owners tend to use it as a way to mud sling, so it's tough to weed out false reviews from the real deal. Any customer who is inconsolable from an experience could be a fraud. Most people realize that mistakes can happen and place a higher level of respect for restaurants based on how they resolve an issue. Then there are the customers who just want free food and if they are denied it they are very nasty about it online. My proposed policy from restaurant owners is to never comp a meal. Provide better service, give a reduction on the final bill but only if you know for certain it was your fault. Some restaurants may decide to strap their servers with Google Glass in the near future so they can review customer orders, to prevent this kind of thing. "I said I wanted the steak well done and you served it rare!" Review the footage, "I'd like a rare steak with potatoes and..."

Comment Re:a group representing independent musicians (Score 1) 197

It's so true. Nothing saps creative energy like the business side and it's the music business because someone has to pay for those crazy hats, skin tight pants, stages, lights, promo, food, booze, drugs and whatever else you can think of that helps grease the machine.

A group of independents would be kind of an oxymoron wouldn't it? The technology exists to enable each musician to become truly independent of the music industry but it's tough to become a strong signal through so much noise. Youtube has essentially replaced radio play as the most popular medium of our day. That's changing however.

Comment Do no evil. (see, speak and acquiesce to evil tho) (Score 1, Interesting) 197

Youtube is a cesspool these days. Soon someone will create a musician-friendly site that has STANDARDS that favor musicians. I would be all over that.

HTML5 video means you don't need Youtube anymore to successfully distribute videos. Torrent or stream yourself.

P2P is the answer.

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