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Comment Re:What about iBooks (Score 2, Funny) 225

some years ago, my backpack's zipper failed and thus unloaded my 15" iBook down a whole flight of stairs; my heart stopped as I watched it bounce up and down every couple of steps (on its edges), all the way to the ground floor!

Once I unbent the hook that would normally lock it when closed, it worked just like new!

Comment Access Rights? (Score 1) 232

I had a look at some solutions last year, and ran into one hell of a road block; most solutions I had a look at presume that all the information you're indexing should be searchable and/or available to anyone that can reach your search tool's client.

Has anyone had experience with something that will search the indexes for items based on your credentials? (Meaning that if you're not in accounting you can't get results for that data set)

Comment Re:This is it!! (Score 1) 305

What if we all paid our $100 for dev access, and then ran a web site where you can exchange your as-yet-unreleased "projects"?!

What I'm saying is that I could see a use in having a site where you can post a dev project, in a form where others can use it on their own devices, kinda like a rather public beta test...

Could that be a way to have whatever features you want, since each app would not have to be approved (yet) by the Apple police?

Comment Re: choking the engine if it's speeding (Score 1) 191

So you become aware of another vehicle coming your way, and quickly establish that a collision is inevitable, unless you increase your speed significantly, so as to avoid a nasty conclusion... but your engine automatically chokes and you crash... it's rather dark, but you can hear the other driver walking around looking for you, shotgun resting on his shoulder, 'cause he's not happy 'bout your reckless driving, because his ride is now totaled when it would've been easy for you to avoid him, ..., turns out the road was slippery and his brakes weren't up to the task because the sensors on his ride decided that he should slow down gradually instead of abruptly, somehow, ..., anyhoot, you slip out of your car, limping, and try and hide amongst the rubble that were once 4 perfectly road-capable cars and one milk truck, when you get the idea to call emergency services in the hope that help can come before that man finds you, so you dial 911 on your cell, ..., and that's when you hear the gunshot, and fall to your knees, as your phone keeps beeping, because it's in emergency mode now...

Comment (over)heating? (Score 1) 134

If using the GPS for long periods can have your phone warm up significantly, (was it the iPhone?) then perhaps the antennas should be set in one's gloves, to keep your hands warm*, especially during the winter days.

In any case, having to keep a certain distance from the body (for safety reasons) pretty much keeps this sort of thing on outerwear only.

* That's right, I'm Canadian.

Comment Re:Not really... (Score 1) 267

You can complain about MS all you want, but aside from the malware tool they occasionally send, they do not push NEW software over their updates. They offer them through the Windows Update website as optional / recommended updates that are NOT preselected.

Windows Genuine Advantage, and in some cases, Internet Explorer 8.

Comment Re: flipping nerves and vision (Score 1) 197

I remember hearing about doctors just reconnecting many nerves in the lower back after an accident, randomly since it couldn't be known which were which, and after some physical therapy, the patient learned to walk again under the new "wiring".

I have one questions/wonder about the "filpping the vision" experiment; what about reading, was he able to read as normal, even though the text was now upside down?

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