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Comment Re:Damages (Score 1) 153

They're choosing to forgo profit until the aggregate demand drives the price up to non-profitability, which is leaving money on the table.

I have a question about that. If demand rises and the prices go up, doesn't that make Bitcoin more profitable to mine and not less?

Also, there's a big assumption in there, as if the history of Bitcoin is one of cyclical rises and falls and all you have to do is wait and the price will rise. I'm not sure that's a safe assumption.

There are a couple of obvious reason to do this, both very debatable.
1) Optics.
2) Morals.

Bitcoin bros are known for their finely-tuned concern for optics and for their morality.

Comment Boston Consulting Group (Score 2) 304

A report from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has revealed that investments in plant-based meat alternatives lead to far greater cuts in climate-heating emissions than other green investments.

The Boston Consulting Group is a global management consulting firm that does a lot of work for fossil fuel companies.

They are also known for doing business with Angolan diamond companies and oil exploiters Sonangol and are closely associated with Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia.

They think it's a good idea for you to stop eating those nice rib eyes and New York strip steaks and hamburgers as long as you keep pumping that petrol. Shocking.

Comment Re:I think there's an alternative reason (Score 4, Interesting) 150

There's a low-power AM station up here in the hills where I live, and it's staffed by members of a family who play classic country, headbanger thrash, bluegrass/Americana, classic rock, and even some classic radio shows and big bands at various times of the day. I don't know how they stay on the air, because I have never heard a single commercial on the station (although I hear PSAs and occasional announcements of local events. I can get that station in places where there is no cell or FM signal, so I find a lot of value in it. All the DJ's have that really rich VA/WVa accent which makes it all better. And better still, they take calls for requests on the air.

Comment Re:90,000? (Score 1) 47

At the moment, all of Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, Michigan, Illinois, most of Pennsylvania, all of Missouri, most of North Carolina are all showing a "waitlist" status on starlink.com. As of a few weeks ago, it was saying "sometime in 2023" but now they've taken any timeframe off of their website. Those states are mostly rural, so it's not a density issue.

Comment 90,000? (Score 1) 47

Starlink has only 400,000 users worldwide, so how likely is it that almost 1/4 of them have chosen by their own accord to post a comment to the FCC (which is a US-only agency)? Especially considering that it's getting mixed reviews in various corners of the Internet, like r/Starlink.

Is the FCC hearing from fans of Starlink or Fans of Elon (FoE)?

Comment Re:Relevant ? (Score 3, Insightful) 55

How is this article remotely relevant for Slashdot ?

It's relevant if you happen to live in a South American city, know someone who lives in a South American city, care about the suffering of others, or would like a peek into what's coming for many of the rest of us.

Other than that, it's not relevant.




Comment Re:Good news for anyone who just bought a house (Score 1) 225

My state experienced 12% inflation YoY, yet my salary only went up by 1%.

If your salary only went up by 1% last year, you really need to find a different job. Workers averaged an increase in 6.5% at the end of 2021. By the end of this year, it is predicted that workers' earnings will increase by nearly 10%, especially with the labor market being so worker-friendly.

That's not to say salaries are keeping up with broader inflation. They are clearly not, but if you're only getting 1% raises, your employers are cheap sonsabitches.

Interesting also is the disparity of economic groups when it comes to the impacts of inflation. Believe it or not, the middle class is doing the best. People at the bottom and people at the top are getting hurt the most, apparently according to some of the data I've seen. But I really don't know how much we should trust the data, since the most widely-used inflation numbers only give housing a 6% weighting in the CPI "basket" and don't take health care into account at all.

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