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Comment Re:To be expected (Score 1) 473

Minecraft allows people to run their own servers, for free, and is doing awfully well.

Yes, but how much more would it make if all those private servers were monetized? Which you might remember as RIAA's logic on downloads. I'm beginning to suspect your average businessman simply doesn't comprehend the concept of nonlinear functions.

The deal is, I pay money for a game, which I can then play as much as I like. Take it or leave it. They're leaving it.

What's wrong with Good Old Games?

Comment Re:This study is... (Score 1) 123

The irony here is that penguinoid is empathically projecting a common human sense of empathy onto a group whose most defining characteristic is the lack of it.

Not necessarily. If you attack people for insignificant reasons, such as a few pennies, you'll end up in prison or dead pretty soon. Whether you refrain due to empathy, cold calculation of risks and benefits, or some abstract philosophical principles is irrelevant.

Comment Re:Who cares about the lander? (Score 1) 337

If your view is anything other than "it's a shirt" then you're the one with the problem, not me.

This is grown-up stuff. The thoughts you had as a fifteen year-old don't cut it when you're discussing with grown ups.

If SJWs were only expressing their ideas, that would be one thing. They're actively harassing the scientist to the point where he had to issue a public apology to try and get them to back off.

You can read my views on the shirt. Just don't misrepresent them, child.

Comment Re:This article is useless (Score 3, Insightful) 91

you need active champions, community managers, and a strategy to nurture the community continuously.

Spot on. Every single failure I've seen of an internal communications tool that wasn't Email or IM failed because of a lack of one of the three things you mentioned. They are tools, but they need to much more help to grow than something that everyone has to use, like a case system or a CRM.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 91

I worked in the past at a company that did something similar to a "Facebook at work". The number one rule to get people to use it: never, EVER call it "Facebook for work". Call it "Shining Communications Turd", "Chainsaw through productivity", "Free Crack", just don't call it "Facebook for work".

I think Facebook might have a bigger uphill battle here than it thinks.

We've had people walked out, fired, for using Evernote in meetings.

Where did you work, the NSA?

Comment Re:Not resigning from Debian (Score 1) 550

I chalk it off to them being immature twats, but mostly it's that people are people, and a good chunk of humanity are just idiots.

Their actions managed to further their cause. So they might be twats, but hardly idiots. And that means they'll act like twats again the next time.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 327

They may have a reason that seems insignificant to the end user, but you don't get to be the biggest company on the planet by making decisions like this for no reason.

1) Apple is not the biggest company on the planet.

2) Succesful people make really dumb decisions all the time, because their success has blinded them to risks. This is known as hubris. Not understanding that getting succesful and staying succesful are separate skills has been the downfall of too many people, companies and entire nations to count.

Submission + - Long time Debian developer Tollef Fog Heen resigns from Systemd maintainer team (

An anonymous reader writes: Debian developer Tollef Fog Heen submitted his resignation to the Debian Systemd package maintainters team mailing list today (Sun. Nov. 16th, 2014). In his brief post, he praises the team, but claims that he cannot continue to contribute due to the "load of continued attacks...becoming just too much." Presumably, he is referring to the heated and, at times, even vitriolic criticism of Debian's adoption of Systemd as the default init system for its upcoming Jessie release from commenters inside and outside of the Debian community. Currently, it is not known if Tollef will cease contributing to Debian altogether. A message from his twitter feed,, indicates that he may blog about his departure in the near future.

Submission + - Why Net Neutrality is a Big Deal for Small Business (

An anonymous reader writes: Why is everybody yelling about net neutrality, and why now Actually, it’s a very big deal for small businesses with an online presence, and the Federal Communications Commission may have added fuel to the fire by sending confusing messages about its regulatory intentions.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Female STEM members, are you offended by the shirt?

An anonymous reader writes: I was talking to a female friend who is currently enrolled in Princeton for something regarding physics, light, and black holes. (Note: I am not trying to trivialize what she's doing. I just don't understand *anything* she's talking about. Think I, Robot, where the doctor is talking tech to Will Smith and he has a blank look. That's me.)
I asked her whether or not a single guy wearing a friend's shirt would deter her from her career, and she said no.
So I want to ask the female STEM people here whether you were offended by the shirt or not.

Comment Re:Stupid, trucks cause the problem (Score 1) 554

Don't worry - we'll be increasing energy prices and exporting our pollution to China, now that Obama has a new agreement to do just that. So we'll get even more unemployed to buy even more cheap crap from Walmart, and they can hire even more 29-hour-per-week part-timers that will live on food stamps and heavy subsidies from Obamacare.

So what would you prefer? Competing on price with Chinese labor, in which case those employed in manufacturing will also fall on food stamps and Walmart crap? Or perhaps you'd like to breath smog, like the Chinese are doing thanks to their lack of pollution controls?

Economy is going to stay in a death spiral as long as supply exceeds demand. And since demand depends on supply - closing a factory means less people who can afford anything, which leads to more factories closing, and so on - the only way to stop the spiral is to pay a greater proportion of earnings as wages. And the only way to do that without tragedy of the commons rising its ugly head is to force the issue through mandating a higher minimum wage. An unconditional citizen pay would be even better, since it would guarantee a cycle-independent baseline demand, but is unlikely to pass until the conomy completely crashes, which a modern nation is unlikely to survive.

Ultimately, we're seeing the effects of pre-industrial economic model being pushed beyond its limits. Free market is a fine tool for adjusting resource usage for optimal outcome, but labor is not just another resource due to the feedback effect it has to demand, and capitalism simply can't deal with a situation where it's no longer the resource that limits output. Our economy is dying due to being unable to cope with increased productivity. Oh the irony.

Comment Re:Who cares about the lander? (Score 1) 337

And you're going to solve this by destroying a man's career over his SHIRT?!! And I'm the childish one?!!!

Nice strawman. You can read my views on the shirt. No offence but trying to argue like this makes you look like an imbecile.

Freedom of expression is objectively right

And yet you argue by pretending that one person's expression of their ideas does not exist and attempting impose something else so that you can attack it.

But the SJW mindset IS damaging. It IS destroying things. It's dangerous and it needs to be stopped.

This is just hyperbole. Grow up.

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