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Comment Re:Obviously...Not (Score 3, Interesting) 695

1. The lumber Industry was killed by the EPA and their Spotted Owl nonsense.

This is categorically false. The spotted owl "nonsense" did not eve slow down the "harvesting" of old growth timber. Two things killed the timber industry:

  • The lack of available hi-value timber species, i.e. old growth.
  • The change in tax policies that made practice of exporting raw logs more profitable than milling them in the U.S. 2. There are more forested acres in the Northwest now than there were in the 1900.

    [citation needed] ...because you clearly do no know what you are talking about.
    In other words, you have fallen for the same timber industry bullshit. What you are going to find, if you even bother to look is an impressive number of "re-forested" acres. Big fucking deal. An acre of Douglas fir saplings is not the same thing as an acre of mature forest, nor will it ever be so, given the industry's current practices.

Comment Re:Obviously. (Score 5, Insightful) 695

Anyone not woowoo anti-science (usually being the theistic types who worship the Invisible Hand) has already established:

1. Climate change is mostly man-made;

2. This doesn't mean the world's about to end, but we aren't doing enough to prevent significant harm.

I believe that you aren't being fair to the "theistic types" in that you aren't being nearly hard enough on those who are taking advantage of them and those who are similarly gullible. Those cocksuckers are, of course, the energy industry. They have a huge interest in not changing things. Their businesses are hugely profitable. Spending money to avoid the erosion of those profits is part of that business. Spending as little as possible in order to preserve as much profit as possible is just good business, and right now, hoodwinking the gullible has the most ROI. I have seen it before....

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, in a town where every third job was directly related to the forest products industry. All my life, I watched huge swaths of ancient forest fall to clear cutting, knowing that the industry's party line, "Trees are America's Renewable Resource", was just so much cynical corporate bullshit. Planting "four trees for every tree 'harvested'" is not the same thing as growing even one board-foot of timber for every board-foot harvested. But the locals bought it, hook-line-and-sinker, because they wanted to. They needed to believe that their livelihoods were derived from a resource that would always be there. Fast forward forty years, or so. All the old-growth timber is long gone. Countless towns like mine are now ghost towns, "the mill" long closed and most of the forest jobs (fellers, choker setters, etc.) also gone. And the locals are still wondering what happened, while a cynical few, who reaped huge profits from the rape of a resource that can not be replaced in several of our lifetimes, could not give a shit. And the "intellectual elite", those credible experts, including most ironically, a handful of industry foresters, who predicted this can only say, "We told you so."

This same thing is happening now on a global scale WRT climate change. The opinion amongst those most qualified to cast one is overwhelming, dwarfed only by the noise from those whose profit is threatened by that opinion. And those whose livelihood, indeed, those whose very lifestyle depends on the industries that produce those profits, want very badly to believe all the noise. Based on my experience, they will continue to do so until it is far too late to do anything about it.

Comment Dear MPAA (Score 1) 357

Get a fucking clue. Your revenues aren't what you want them to be because you don't enforce any of the "common courtesy" rules in your theaters. Talkers, texters, and lately, vapers, have ruined my experience every time I've visited one of your mainstream theaters. With an arguably superior presentation platform available in my house, why would I pay good money to be annoyed throughout the movie in your theater?

Comment Re:Lemme guess (Score 1) 739

Do you mean the same Doctors who have filed fraudulent claims to the tune of Billions ? While I can not stand medical insurance companies, someone needs to monitor the system.

The insurance industry is, clearly and demonstrably, not who consumers want in that role. And BTW, straw man much?

Comment Re:Lemme guess (Score 1) 739

Seriously? Insurance companies are part of the problem in health care, interfering with doctors, patients, and hospitals in providing/receiving care. They need to be regulated to doing their job (providing averaged risk assessment policies) and stay out of the hospitals and doctors business.

+1 for actually understanding the real problem. Well put, sir.

Comment Re:US Citizenship (Score 2, Insightful) 190

The government of the United States of America is behaving very much like an accomplice to a crime

I wonder if the founding fathers ever could have imagined a world where the government they created would be completely owned and controlled by an oligarchy of huge corporations. Could they have imagined a government where something akin to the Dutch East India Company simply walked in and individually bribed every single Congressman and the President to do their bidding, without the American people even realizing it?

I think that many of them "realize" it, but they've been convinced that bullshit issues like gay marriage and reproductive choice are more important to them.

Comment Re:Net Neutrality Case-In-Point (Score 1) 145

In exchange for the major corporate backing, tech reporters at SugarString are expressly forbidden from writing about American spying or net neutrality around the world, two of the biggest issues in tech and politics today.

You gotta admire the chutzpah. Even as they are saying to the FCC that they can be trusted with the authority to be the gatekeepers of the Internet, they put on a public display of their intent to inhibit public policy debate on the very issue of Net Neutrality itself.

The extraordinary lack of self-consciousness is difficult to fathom. It rises to the level of, "Let them eat cake."

I say it's completely fathomable. It was the inevitable result of decades of policy aimed at placing more an more power in the hands of corporations. First, they convinced a naive and gullible electorate that "...government is the problem..." and that tax breaks for the "job creators" would make unicorns real. Now, when the Internet, as a medium, threatens to foster genuine public discussion about such policy, they want to censor that too. No surprise it all.

Comment Re:Fine, if (Score 1) 286

Fine, if it comes with a really good imaging system passengers can access. A VR set "would be nice."

In reality, of course, it would likely mean that only the 1% will be able to see what's going on outside, as that sounds like a First Class option.

Fuck the multi-media toys. Give me some more leg and elbow room and I'll gladly give up the window.

Comment Re:It makes you uneasy? (Score 1) 1007

"Yes, the university is a public institution and must carefully walk the line when dealing with this or that religious group, but...

Creation Summit is visiting major college and university campuses throughout the country, bringing world renowned scientists before the students. Scientists with tangible proof and viable evidence. Many, for the first time ever, are discovering that the Bible is true – That science and Genesis are in total agreement, and if Genesis 1:1 can be trusted . . . . . so can John 3:16." -

Presenting your religious beliefs as the credible output of "world renowned scientists" is, to say the least, dishonest. To do so in a plainly admitted attempt to add some attempt to add some academic cache' by deliberately choosing institutions of higher learning as the venue is beneath contempt. "The Bible and science" are absolutely not "in total agreement". Peddle your religion as religion and you are entitled to the public venue. Engage in deceit and lies and you are not.

Comment Re:So they got their reservation using deception? (Score 1) 1007

Would you silence a dissenting view?

Certainly not. I would, however, hand their check back to them and observer that they are free to peddle their nonsense anywhere they can find a willing host and audience. The university has no obligation to be either and, arguably, it does have an obligation to avoid being either, since the proposed material is neither reasonable nor scientific.

Comment Re:It makes you uneasy? (Score 2) 1007

Again, so what? I do not have to agree with everything that goes on around me. And they don't have to agree with me either. Now...if they lied about the purpose of this conference, that's a whole different story.

And again..., why the fuck do you think the university owes them a platform? That's the objection here. We agree that the creationists are a bunch of dim-witted crackpots, and that leaving them to their curious choice of things to believe in is usually the best course, but nobody is obliged to offer them any sort of elevated platform from which to spew their noise. Surely, any number of local churches would have been happy to host this gathering of erudite mythological scholars.

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