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Comment Re:Saudi Arabia, etc. (Score 2) 653

There are a number of Negroes who were lynched and hanged in Indiana because Indiana is the birthplace of the KKK. Discrimination vs. gays is just a new twist on ugly, self-righteous bigotry. Nobody's religious freedom was being infringed upon prior to this awful piece of legislation. And now the state is giving cover for hate crimes. Beautiful.

Comment GenCon (Score 1) 886

The demand for rooms during GenCon allows Indianapolis hotels to charge $600-$800/night for a lousy $100/night room. I hope GenCon does leave, because Indiana is a shitty backwards state that's stuck in the 80's -- the 1880's. While Chicago is far more expensive than Indy, it's a lot friendlier city for people from different orientations or religious beliefs.

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