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Comment Re:with the intent (Score 1) 528

what about free speech?

- "this hooker gave me herpes. be careful, gents."
- "my ex-husband gave me aids."

there's some good reasons why free speech should not be limited. if you don't want to see naked titties, turn off the super bowl.

Comment Re:Can't fix stupid (Score 1) 478

My old company refused to sell and install Cisco products, even though they were superior to those we sold from Fortinet. Fortinet support, based on the west coast, is staffed by men with strong Russian and Korean accents which can be difficult to understand -- but not as bad as a shitty voip connection to Bangalore.

Comment no tablet could serve as my daw (Score 2) 128

my digital audio workstation runs Logic Pro X, Pro Tools 11, and Cubase 6.5. no tablet or phone can replace the desktop, which has not only several hard disks and lots of RAM, but an operating system capable of running plugins from a variety of 3rd party sources. I'm in no position to junk this thing for whatever might happen to be "hot" in the next couple of years, because enjoy working with older versions of software which are no longer supported. IOS comes close to OSX and Windows 7 as far as being able to run basic audio and midi recording, but the musical instrument industry still hasn't completely cracked the nut on integrating hardware and software instruments, providing a comfortable recording, mixing, and mastering workflow. to my knowledge, enthusiasts like myself will still be needing enthusiast computer hardware for the foreseeable future.

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