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Submission + - Cobol compilers for today's computers

innocent_white_lamb writes: The recent discussions of COBOL have piqued my interest in playing around with and learning COBOL. I have found some COBOL compilers but very little discussion about them. Does anyone have an opinion on the best COBOL compilers to use, books to learn from, online resources, freely available subroutines and the like?

Clinton Prosecutor Now Targeting Free Speech 571

Virchull tells us about a case the Supreme Court has agreed to hear, in which former special prosecutor Kenneth Starr will take the side of an Alaska school board against a student who displayed a rude banner off school property. The banner read "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" and it got the student suspended. He and his parents sued the school board for violating his First Amendment rights. The case is nuanced: while the student did not display the banner on school property, he did do so during a school function. Starr is said to be arguing the case for free.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Friend or Foe, Moderation, etc.

I've been reading slashdot for a long time. I have to say that I am impressed. It has evolved into a pretty nice system. I still lament the problem of late posting*, but the moderation system seems to work fairly well. I keep my filter at 4 or above (except when moderating) and rarely see dumb comments. So, bravo to the designers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Profound or sophomoric?

An empty page is daunting in its limitlessness. I could write the great American novel. Or a prize winning poem. A touching or enraging news story.

Or I could just talk about a meta issue is such a way as to sound important, but ultimately convey nothing of importance.

Which is this?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journalism

The saddest thing about Slashdot is that most of the people who post comments think their comments are important. Obviously, they decided to write that comment rather than doing something more useful with their time like coding or reading a book.

Here's a tip, folks: if you aren't an expert in the field in question, you'd probably do best to not comment at all.

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