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Comment Where does it say that? (Score 1) 323

I read the PDF and the law doesn't seem to say anything about suspected bullies being required to do certain things (other than abstain from bullying, of course).

My best guess is that someone read the part about how the government requires the school to have a process for investigating what happened (d), and misread that as meaning that other parties (e.g. students) are required to have a process for assisting such investigations.

If it weren't so stupid, it would be clever. Imagine if the First Amendment could be overturned, not by a law that prohibits printing presses, but by having a law that cops are required to have processes for destroying printing presses. The cops would say to the people, "our problem is your problem" and I guess the people would say "aw, poor cops, I guess we have no choice to help you out, so we'll voluntarily destroy our own printing presses to keep you guys from having orders you're unable to obey."

Comment It's not so bad (Score 2) 271

You're supposed to be able to simply employee-start and employee-stop for whatever instances you currently need. People who complain that employee-create takes too long to run, just need to read up on how the snapshotting system works. This is way better than trying to guess the right values of StartEmployees, MinSpareEmployees and MaxSpareEmployees and trying to mitigate burnout by tuning MaxRequestsPerEmployee (as though each one needs the same setting!).

Comment Re:So (Score 2) 335

Is there a way to reclaim Slashdot from this constant barrage of psychological assault on IT professionals by outsiders?

Yes, it is called "stop being misogynistic whiny manbabies if you're called on some of your misbehaviour".

The other way is of course time. There is a movement for more diversity, and it will win eventually when said manbabies die out. Given their obnoxious whinging, they are not recruiting faster than they are dying out, and every flare-up into uglyness like GamerGhazi throws off more moderates.

Comment Re:Yeah, I remember when VMWare first came out... (Score 2) 180

when VMWare first came out, and there was all this amazement about all the cool things you could do with Virtual Machines. Very little mention anywhere that these were things you could do for decades already on mainframes.

This is probably due to the fact that for most values of "you," you don't have a mainframe. So the cool things switched from "things a-few-people-who-aren't-me can do" to "things I can do." That increases relevance.

Comment Re:We deserve this guy (Score 1) 496

Yes, blame the voters for refusing to vote

Ok, I do.

Get some candidates that are to the left of Reagan's corpse and we'll talk, mmmkay?

There are approximately-but-literally around a hundred million people in this country who fit that description and are just as qualified as the Republicans whom the voters gave the election to. I bet you can find one. I bet you are one. So stop bitching about lack of candidates (it's just totally absurd) and either accept ridiculous leadership, or do something about it.

This is democracy, and democracy is participatory. If you're going to sit around waiting for some party to give you a candidate, you might as well advocate monarchy or anything else, because democracy isn't a good fit for your personality.

Comment Re:What's next? (Score 1) 496

You know why it tweaks people? Because the only reason you use it is because you consider it an insult.

But he has to call him "Hussein," because when he tried to drive people into a rage by calling the president "nigger," it actually made someone angry and the coward doesn't ever want to face a situation like that again.

Comment Science: Lies Straight from the Pit of Hell (Score 1) 496

Your comment has evidencist bias. Their (stated) point of view is that they're right and science will not back them up, because the very essence of science is deception.

You can't trust your senses; they will lie to you. Listen to the voice in your head.

While you're probably right that they're liars, they claim to be merely batshit insane.

Comment Re:any repercussions? (Score 1) 165

The way I understand it is that if an ISP hosts $BAR, and I file a takedown request asserting the ownership of $BAZ, in the mistaken impression (intentionally or not) that you are hosting $BAZ, the takedown request is valid, even though the actual content does not match $BAZ.

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