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Comment Re:Another Day Another Boeing Disaster (Score 1) 182

My understanding is that it was a flat sea, no waves, and the description of the Californian was stopped. From,

Californian encountered a large ice field at 22:20 ship's time,[4] and Captain Lord decided to stop the ship and wait until morning before proceeding further.[25

Recently also watched a YouTube documentary on the Carpathia where various wireless operators were reporting the ice field along with ships being stopped while waiting for daytime.
I'd assume the boilers were full of steam and if needed the ships could easily be turned into the wind/waves if needed.
I guess it is hard to believe in a flat sea in that part of the Atlantic, last time I crossed it in an ocean liner somewhat smaller then the Titanic, the waves were 40 ft tall, never puked so much since and it was hard crossing the cabin to puke with how it was rocking.

Comment Re:Another Legal Case Of Dubious Merit (Score 1) 87

Only due to it being hard to catch whoever stole the $1000 you dropped on the ground, with part of the hard being proofing it was your $1000 and it was dropped accidentally.
Find a thousand bucks and turn it into the police, if someone can claim it, it's theirs, if no one claims it, you get it. For loose bills, it is hard to proof it was yours, if it was in your wallet, an envelope or such, easier to proof.

Comment Re:Heroic breeding efforts (Score 1) 77

There's still questions about the native bees and how well they're doing. They're also important for native plants, eg here, it is still cold and the bumble bees are busy pollinating the huckle berries and now the salmon berries. Honey bees like it warmer.
I am seeing more bumble bees here then during the last few years. I remember as a kid in the big city, lawns would have a lot of bumble bees visiting the clover, don't see that in town anymore.

Comment Re:Not Quite (Score 1) 26

That's kind of surprising. I'd have thought Franklin would have done what the Lazer did, license Applesoft from Microsoft. I could see slight variations in the monitor and IO space and perhaps timing.
I had a II+ clone, a Cherry or something. It was very compatible except for some Apple programs that looked in the ROM for the APPLE II+ that was displayed on boot, easy to fix by changing a branch instruction.

Comment Re:I remember Turbo Pascal fondly (Score 2) 26

I had a TransWarp card (3.3Mhz 65C02 + 256 KB of fast ram) in my II+ clone, with some simple hex patching, UCSD Pascal thought it was a //E and used 128KB of the ram and some more hacking gave me a ram disk on the rest of the 256k that the TransWarp card had.
Also had a MS Z80 card and eventually moved to Turbo Pascal, and yes, it was fast, both compiling, and running as it compiled into Z80 object code instead of P-Code. Wasn't hard to call 6502 code from the Z80 as well.

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