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Comment Re:The Keystone Pipeline already exists (Score 4, Informative) 437


The Keystone-Cushing extension (Phase II), running away480-kilometre (300 mi) from Steele City to storage and distribution facilities (tank farm) at Cushing, Oklahoma, completed in February 2011.

The Gulf Coast Extension (Phase III), running 784-kilometre (487 mi) from Cushing to refineries at Port Arthur, Texas was completed in January 2014, and a lateral pipeline to refineries at Houston, Texas and a terminal will be completed in mid-2015.

It is only the Phase IV leg, running from between Hardisty, Alberta, and Steele City, Nebraska that wasn't approved. That part crosses the U.S.-Canadian border.

Obama signed off on the rest (symbolically, I believe, as I don't think it required Federal approval), back in 2011.

Comment Lensman (Score 1) 1

For the uninitiated, E.E. "Doc" Smith is most famous for his Lensman series. Great classic science fiction.

Comment Re: They never hire for these jobs as far as I see (Score 1) 68

No. InfoSec is exempt from that. Look for the phrase "direct hire authority".

The problem is for every opening I've had posted there were 250+ applicants. We only interview the Top 10 and dang near every one of those has advanced degrees and decades of experience.

Comment Re:Pen name? (Score -1, Troll) 148

He's not dead, either. He just finally realized he had no fucking clue how to end the series and tell a coherent story and needed a way out.

His wife hatched the whole "I have an incurable disease and am going to die soon" plot to boost book sales. She then got Sanderson to finish the series for a song and kept the rights.

As best I can guess, she had her husband lobotomized -- seemingly sometime around book 5 -- and keeps him around as a pool boy.

Comment Trace the Transfers? (Score 4, Interesting) 131

So shouldnt' they be able to trace the transfers to the destination accounts? And continue doing so until the money is withdrawn?

Hell, even in places like Kazakhstan they don't have pallet loads of $100 bills waiting around for people to withdraw millions in cash. And you don't really walk into a bank ANYWHERE in the world and pull out millions in cash from a newly opened account without tons of ID, paperwork, being on cameras, access to large armored trucks, etc.

I'm familiar with the concept of mules and blinds, but for a scheme so sophisticated it sounds suspicious to use low level mules to pull out millions in cash. Multiple points of failure/discovery.

How the hell do they get the actual money OUT?

Comment Re:Your rights don't include infecting my kid or m (Score 1) 297

And? Medical exemptions are not some sham to provide an "out" to the religious and personal exemption crowd. From the article:

"For kindergartners that year, Mississippi approved just 17 medical exemptions, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Neighboring Arkansas, which had about 3,100 fewer kindergarten students than Mississippi that year, recorded 24 medical exemptions."

This strikes me as honestly kids who might seriously have a condition that makes certain vaccinations dangerous. I mean 17 out of 45,000+ is a damn small number.

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