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Comment Re: Isn't San Fransisco just a... (Score 1) 148

Ha! That should be the city's slogan.

There's a good opportunity for a parady song from "Puttin on the Ritz"...

If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where the homeless sits
Takin their shitz

Different types of wear all year coats and pants
With stripes and cut away holes for perfect slits
For taking their shitz

Comment Re:messing with the very thing that delivers energ (Score 1) 21

No one's studying backdoors. We all know very well how to apply a backdoor, and in lots of software and firmware, there ARE backdoors. The thing that's being fought against, is some entity REQUIRING backdoors.

Mitochondria aren't human, and they're not animals, they're their own little ...thing... that lives in each and every cell in all humans and animals. I couldn't care less about some stupid encrypted backdoor, if none of my biology works because some fucking tyrant releases a synthetic disease that wipes out mitochondria.

So I guess, let me rephrase my original complaint: Isn't it odd that people complain about computer programs and firmware, but they don't complain about a potential biological attack?

Comment Re: Remember Ceaucescu. (Score 1) 161

The movie 'Dodge Ball' was literally written to warn the US population of the next US president, after Trump, and how he'll rule. He's going to cut out all of the "Average Joe's Gymnasium" and "Globo Gym" is going to turn them into "parking lots". The saying 'If you can "dodge" a "wrench" then you can "dodge" a "ball"', while being spoken from a "man in a "wheelchair" ("Patches" O'Houlihan), is so obvious. Just wait until people figure out the true role of "Kate" and "Me'Shell".

I mean honestly, doesn't it seem odd that "Dwight" came up with the name "Purple Cobras"? And that "Patches" O'Houlihan listed the 5 requirements of dodge ball as: "Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge"

If you cna't see the REAL meaning of this movie, then you're screwed.

Comment Re:Remember Ceaucescu. (Score 1) 161

I used to think the same way, but these days, after seeing the sheer volume of stupid spewing out of so many mentalities, it sure seems like the mentality of the general population is as malleable as water. Mix that with how polarized people are these days, it seems like an inevitability that those with the guns will feel fine with shooting all of the "people that are causing all of the problems in the world", as that's how they'll see it.

There is no harmony among humans today. Just lots of hypocritical-finger-pointing and shouting. I hear Karl Marx is popular again.

Comment A tip on wireless security (Score 1) 102

Most home users have a wireless router as their main router, however if you can, disable the wireless on that router, or buy a router that doesn't have wireless ability, then install a separate wireless access point, or better yet, install a wireless router in the same way that you would a wireless access point. Plugging it's LAN cable into the WAN side of the router, allows setting the LAN IP scheme separately. Also, only allow certain mac addresses to obtain DHCP.

A better alternative is to simply not install anything wireless in your house, and just use your neighbor's. ;)

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