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Computers Key To Air France Crash 911

Michael_Curator writes "It's no secret that commercial airplanes are heavily computerized, but as the mystery of Air France Flight 447 unfolds, we need to come to grips with the fact that in many cases, airline pilots' hands are tied when it comes to responding effectively to an emergency situation. Boeing planes allow pilots to take over from computers during emergency situations, Airbus planes do not. It's not a design flaw — it's a philosophical divide. It's essentially a question of what do you trust most: a human being's ingenuity or a computer's infinitely faster access and reaction to information. It's not surprising that an American company errs on the side of individual freedom while a European company is more inclined to favor an approach that relies on systems. As passengers, we should have the right to ask whether we're putting our lives in the hands of a computer rather than the battle-tested pilot sitting up front, and we should have right to deplane if we don't like the answer."

Comment Re:I still say they should get rid of HFC Syrup (Score 1) 793

You're right. Controlled experiments shows that it's not HFCS specifically, but an excess of insulin in your bloodstream that causes obesity. Too much of any carbohydrates too often during the day will maintain your insulin way too high to permit lypolisis.

That's why we get fatter. That's why moderate-carb is healthier.



Mandriva 2009 Spring Released 96

Frederik writes "Mandriva just released the 2009 Spring version of its distribution. Highlights of this new version include vastly improved boot times thanks to Speedboot, KDE 4.2.2, GNOME 2.26.1, XFCE 4.6 and LXDE desktop environments, a completely rewritten Mandriva Security Centre and improved firewall and network configuration tools, OLPC Sugar environment, QT Creator development environment, Songbird audio player, ext4 support and many more. Check out the release tour and release notes for more information or immediately start downloading it."

Comment Re:Oh dear (Score 1) 413

Do you all truly believe that an all loving God will not accept a person like Hawkins? Just because he did not believe while he was here??? Hell is staying away from the light of God after you died. I think Mr Hawkins will not fear to go toward the light.


Comment Re:Obesity & Bacteria (Score 1) 397

You've got to read this interview with Dr Robert H Lustig MD who is Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco.
Trust me, it's very insightful and informative!

Exactly, in fact exercise is the best treatment. The question is why does exercise work in obesity? Because it burns calories? That's ridiculous. Twenty minutes of jogging is one chocolate chip cookie, I mean you can't do it. One Big Mac requires three hours of vigorous exercise to work that off, that's not the reason that exercise is important, exercise is important for three reasons exclusive of the fact that it burns calories.

The first is it increases skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity, in other words it makes your muscle more insulin sensitive, therefore your pancreas can make less, therefore your levels can drop, therefore there's less insulin in your blood to shunt sugar to fat. That's probably the main reason that exercise is important and I'm totally for it.

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