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Comment Re:What a great idea! (Score 1) 418

Do you know what tone deafness is?

From Wikipedia:

The ability of relative pitch, as with other musical abilities, is inherent in healthy functional humans. The hearing impairment appears to be genetically influenced, though it can also result from brain damage. While someone who is unable to reproduce pitches because of a lack of musical training would not be considered tone deaf in a medical sense, the term might still be used to describe them casually. Someone who cannot reproduce pitches accurately, because of lack of training or tone deafness, is said to be unable to "carry a tune." Tone deafness affects ability to hear pitch changes produced by a musical instrument.

However, tone deaf people seem to be only disabled when it comes to music, and they can fully interpret the prosody or intonation of human speech.

Comment Re:taxes (Score 1) 776

Silly you. This is America. The tobacco companies will pay for your mistakes. After all, they're the ones that provided the product that caused the cancer. They even told you it could cause cancer -- therefore it's their fault!!

Comment Re:containment theory... (Score 4, Insightful) 1032

Optimus Prime?

Seriously, right now the US is fighting wars in 2 theaters and is limited by the will of the politicians in power. If American soil were occupied or under imminent threat of occupation, I don't think the politicians would 1) worry about popularity of the upcoming war poll numbers 2) need to worry about said poll numbers. Americans would band together, at least for a while, to expel and destroy with prejudice an occupying force just so we could get back down to the business of our own politics without outside influence.


Comment Re:US laws are not the best (Score 1) 582

Someone doesn't like you -- you got mod'd down.

I agree that we can't have real reform until you control the costs associated with being in health care (malpractice insurance which is expensive due to malpractice suits; 50 separate insurance markets due to individual State mandates...why can't we have a single market????)

Insurance should be for catastrophic events (the Big C, major car accident) -- routine health care should be out of pocket which would be cheaper if the market weren't so skewed already.


Comment Re:typical of this generation... (Score 1) 1251

I am GenX as well...

Never did I think that I would be the "Get Off My Lawn" guy at age 37 -- kids these days have such an incredible sense of entitlement it is sickening. I graduated from a top State school with a BS in Chemistry in 1994 -- not the world's best job market. After working a number of temp jobs -- including one at ETS as a customer service rep -- I decided to move to Boston to live with my brother. Been here ever since, never had a job in Chemistry. College is about learning how to think critically which is a skill that is widely applicable. A number of our interns in my department are all "MIS Majors" at a local private university -- I don't even know what that means. It's not a Liberal Arts curriculum; it might be a business tract.



iPhone App Tracks Sex Offenders Screenshot-sm 358

The Narrative Fallacy writes "All 50 states in the US require the 50,000 people convicted of sexual offenses to sign a register so that their whereabouts can be tracked and monitored. The Telegraph reports that now users of the iPhone Offender Locator application can search for sex offenders living nearby a friend or colleague whose address is stored in their Apple iPhone address book, or they can type in a street address to generate a list of convicted sex offenders in the local area. 'Offender Locator gives everyone the ability to find out if registered sex offenders live in their area,' says the application developer, ThinAir Wireless, on its iTunes page. 'Knowledge equals safety. They know where you and your family it's time to turn the tables so that you know where they live and can make better decisions about where to allow your kids to play.' Offender Locator uses the iPhone's built-in GPS to pinpoint the user's location, and then provide a map listing sex offenders in the local area. Tapping on one of the 'pins' dropped on to the map brings up a photograph of the offender, as well as their address, date of birth and list of convictions."

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