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Comment Re:Facebook is written in php (Score 1) 232

Yes, I guess Abrash really dropped the ball when he didn't do his due diligence on what language the parent company of the VR company he just accepted a job at build their website in!!!@@@

What an odd piece of techno-elitist whining. For what it's worth, Facebook's engineering acumen can be seen in some of the software they've released, including the Hiphop VM for PHP as well as the recently announced Facebook Hack. They have contributed to a huge variety of OSS ( ) - and things like the OpenComputer project (

The scale alone of Facebook is an impressive engineering feat. That is entirely the point of Abrash's post, really.

Submission + - Michael Abrash Joins Oculus, Calls Facebook "Final Piece of the Puzzle" ( 1

trawg writes: Programming legend Michael Abrash has announced that he has joined the Oculus team to work on the Rift VR headset as Chief Scientist, and will be once again working with John Carmack to bring VR to life. His post covers a lot of ground, including the history of his quest for VR, and ends with his explanation of why he thinks the Facebook acquisition is ultimately a good thing — they have the engineering, resources and long-term commitment "to solve the hard problems of VR".

Comment Carmack on Snow Crash (Score 4, Interesting) 535

This ./ article from 1999 has Carmack talking about Snow Crash:

Making Snow Crash into a reality feels like a sort of moral imperative to a lot of programmers, but the efforts that have been made so far leave a lot to be desired.

It is almost painful for me to watch some of the VRML initiatives. It just seems so obviously the wrong way to do something. All of this debating, committee forming, and spec writing, and in the end, there isn't anything to show for it. Make something really cool first, and worry about the spec after you are sure it's worth it!

I do think it is finally the right time for this to start happening for real. While a lot of people could envision the possibilities after seeing DOOM or Quake, it is really only now that we have general purpose hardware acceleration that things are actually flexible enough to be used as a creative medium without constantly being conscious of the technical limitations.

The Metaverse of the Snow Crash world was basically an epic social virtual reality experience. I've always figured Carmack would be involved in making that a reality somehow, and the Oculus Rift certainly seems like it could be a critical part. Facebook actually makes sense from a social perspective as well.

I'm sure there's going to be a lot of people terrified because of imagined privacy implications, but I'm still fascinated to see where this ride takes us.

Submission + - Facebook Acquires Oculus for $2b (

trawg writes: Facebook have just announced that they're acquiring VR headset maker Oculus for $2b. Oculus have made an announcement explaining that the two companies are "culturally aligned with a focus on innovating". They go on to say "we want to contribute to a more open, connected world; and we both see virtual reality as the next step".

Submission + - New Unreal Engine 4 Pricing Offers Full Source Code (

trawg writes: At GDC in San Francisco today, Epic's Tim Sweeney announced a bold new model for the Unreal Engine, their powerful game development environment. The new approach allows everyone from indie developers to large studies to get full access to every part of their toolkit for $19 a month — including the full source code of the engine which will be made available on GitHub — with a 5% royalty on revenue. While it's not being released under an open source license — it will be available under an "Unreal Engine 4 license" — this change gives game developers a strong incentive to consider the switch.

Comment As an Australian (Score 5, Interesting) 276

...that has recently moved to the USA, I am stunned by Amazon - I mean, I always knew it looked awesome but until I got here I didn't fully understand how much stuff was on there and how amazing it is to order basically anything.

Prime simply adds to my amazement - I can order (almost) anything and it will arrive (almost always) 2 days later. My shopping behaviour has changed significantly, to the point where I'll not buy something while it's right in front of me in a store because I can just have Amazon bring it to my house a few days later, saving me the effort of carrying it around or trying to get it home (I don't own a car yet).

Even at the new price it seems like a fantastic deal, and that's before I add the streaming video service, which I've also gotten a lot of use out of, despite having Netflix and Hulu.

I guess I am surprised by the people complaining about the price hike. I'm back in Australia right now for a couple weeks and from the wistful look everyone here gets when I explain how great it is, I know they'd happily pay twice the new fee just to never have to deal with the local retailers ever again.

Anyway, my 2c: this price raise would in no way dissuade me from renewing next year (if I'm still living in the usa).

Comment Spare time (Score 1) 240

American Senators sure have a lot of time to spend on impossible tasks and tilting at windmills, instead of learning about technology and displaying adaptability.

If he wants to look good for banning some scary technology thing, maybe he should start with something easier - like getting porn off the Internet.

Comment Here's one useful thing in this thread (Score 2) 61

... because I can't see anything anywhere else (wtf is this post?) I figured maybe this might be worth mentioning:

Yesterday Moxie Marlinspike announced a new version of TextSecure:

TextSecure is an encrypted messaging tool - currently for Android, but iOS is in the works. It is open source and has a high focus on privacy and security.

I encourage people to check it out - if you want to Snapchat securely and privately, then using an open source tool that isn't maintained or built by some giant corporatrox that is simply trying to get bought out by Facebook might be a good idea.

Comment Re:Beta feedback helps (Score 1) 197

Please make a news post about the issue. I'm glad you're finally responding to the comments but today has been a train wreck and failing to publicly acknowledge that will not help matters.

Give people an official thread to comment about the beta. Ensure that it has the feedback mechanisms - the survey and the email address, both of which I've used - prominently listed.

Comment Re:*Shrug* (Score 1) 304

How do I buy DRM free books from Tor? Every few months I try again and I feel stupid because I can't figure out how to do it.

They have a "looking for Tor books?" module which takes you to

Then I end up on a page like which just gives me a list of normal retailers, like Amazon, Kobo, etc to choose from - with no evidence that I'm getting a DRM-free version.

I just want an epub, like what Baen deliver - is that possible?

Is it possible to buy

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