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Comment Spare time (Score 1) 240

American Senators sure have a lot of time to spend on impossible tasks and tilting at windmills, instead of learning about technology and displaying adaptability.

If he wants to look good for banning some scary technology thing, maybe he should start with something easier - like getting porn off the Internet.

Comment Here's one useful thing in this thread (Score 2) 61

... because I can't see anything anywhere else (wtf is this post?) I figured maybe this might be worth mentioning:

Yesterday Moxie Marlinspike announced a new version of TextSecure:

TextSecure is an encrypted messaging tool - currently for Android, but iOS is in the works. It is open source and has a high focus on privacy and security.

I encourage people to check it out - if you want to Snapchat securely and privately, then using an open source tool that isn't maintained or built by some giant corporatrox that is simply trying to get bought out by Facebook might be a good idea.

Comment Re:Beta feedback helps (Score 1) 197

Please make a news post about the issue. I'm glad you're finally responding to the comments but today has been a train wreck and failing to publicly acknowledge that will not help matters.

Give people an official thread to comment about the beta. Ensure that it has the feedback mechanisms - the survey and the email address, both of which I've used - prominently listed.

Comment Re:*Shrug* (Score 1) 304

How do I buy DRM free books from Tor? Every few months I try again and I feel stupid because I can't figure out how to do it.

They have a "looking for Tor books?" module which takes you to

Then I end up on a page like which just gives me a list of normal retailers, like Amazon, Kobo, etc to choose from - with no evidence that I'm getting a DRM-free version.

I just want an epub, like what Baen deliver - is that possible?

Is it possible to buy

Comment Re:Same as lost luggage... (Score 1) 894

Interesting idea. I wonder if you could just /say/ you had gun parts to get this check, but not actually carry any so you don't have to deal with the local gun control laws at all no matter where you're flying. (Just take a weird piece of metal pipe or something and say its gun-related.)

Comment Re:I think it is necessary (Score 1) 60

No, the Internet used to be ad-free. People used to use the Internet to learn things, and to share information with other people. Until the unwashed massed got to it in the mid 90's, the Internet was wonderful: Email, Gopher, WWW, FTP, etc.

It used to be ad-free because the cost of running those services was trivial and handled by educational and research institutions.

Now the number of services has multiplied (by a lot), both to cater to a wider variety of experiences and a larger number of people.

The cost of running those services has multiplied (by a lot) - no longer just a few kilobytes of plain text, they are rich multimedia experiences including, in many cases gigabytes of high definition video.

I too remember the good old days of the "wonderful" 90s Internet of using lynx to look at web pages and figuring out Trumpet so I could get Mosaic going to look at images. It was fun and exciting and great. But when I compare it to what is possible now - in many cases, completely for free if I'm prepared to sacrifice a tiny part of my attention and privacy (both of which I am conscious of and careful to manage) - well, I'm pretty amazed and what is on offer.

Any time you want to put your hand up to be one of those intelligent, compassionate human beings and provide ad-free wonderful services - please let me know because I'll happily sign up to take advantage of them!

Comment Re:ulterior motives (Score 1) 52

- Research ways to artificially create horn/tusk material in the lab (similar to what was done with pearls), and flood the market with it so that the value of the product plummets.

Is there any reason to artificially create it? Surely people that are buying this stuff are not putting a lot of skeptical analysis into its actual providence. I would actually be surprised if the majority of it that was sold was fake anyway and only the ultra-rich are buying legit stuff.

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