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Comment Re:Water for people (Score 3, Insightful) 599

there is little reason to ship all that produce all over the country and world when many many smaller plots would be more ecologically safe.

Except for the small, inconvenient fact that much of the country doesn't have the climate to support growing stuff year-round, leaving vast swaths of the country without produce for much of the year.

Comment Re:Water for people (Score 2) 599

Having read a little bit of history, it appears that for most of human's existence on Earth, a ready supply of fresh water is generally very high on the list of variables that drive peoples' decision on where to live.

For various definitions of "supply", yes. I hold it as self-evident that Los Angeles (as a particularly egregious example) had a ready supply of fresh water available, or it would never have grown to the size that it is today. You may not like the means by which that supply was secured or delivered, but there's no question that the city had water.

It doesn't require a government to tell people in parts of California that the game is up for those locations.

Unlikely at best. Prima facie bullshit at worst. Los Angeles isn't going to suddenly disappear back into nothingness. There's far too much at stake to let something as trivial as a water supply get in the way. No, I'm not being sarcastic.

Comment Re:Water for people (Score 0) 599

way to overlook the point i have been making, put words in my mouth AND insult me at the same time. Kudos....

If you make stupid statements that have no basis in reality, then you should probably expect for someone to say so. The fact that you've littered this topic with essentially the same three posts over and over again just makes you an easy target.


Ah, so it boils down to just more Libertarian bullshit. Okay, then please tell us how your are paying for me to live in the desert (which ignores the fact that not all of California is actually desert).

If I make a smart decision to live somewhere where the weather is nice and i have plenty of water, I dont want you people in california coming over and taking it from me. If you thought ahead you wouldnt be begging me for water now would you

Oh look, yet another baseless statement. Honestly, you're a fucking idiot. Give it up, already.

Comment Re:Water for people (Score 1, Insightful) 599

maybe the next generation will be smart enough not to live in a desert

This is misguided. No, I'll go farther than that -- it's self-satisfied smugness without any practical basis in reality, making it essentially a pointless comment. Humans have been adapting their environment to suit their needs for longer than recorded history, and will continue to do so well beyond the point that any of us have left this mortal coil.

But more to the point, your statement implicitly includes the idea that someone is in charge of deciding where people can and can not live, or where cities can or can not be built. In the US, at least, there is no such person, no such board, no such decision-making process. Cities grow organically based on where people want to live, and where people want to live is driven by more variables than I could possibly enumerate in this post.

TL;DR: You're not actually smarter than anyone else. You're just a smug prick who thinks he is.

Comment Re:websites forced for two ad networks then (Score 1) 161

This cannot be done. much of graphical and especially streaming content is from more robust "content delivery networks", such as Akamai, that host much larger proxies closer to the web browser's "final mile". Even modest icon or graphical content on a web page will overwhelm many corporate core web servers without these third-party hosted proxies

I call bullshit. Distributing content via an edge network is trivial these days, as trivial as flipping a switch in AWS.

Comment Re: PHP is great (Score 5, Insightful) 281

No it really is a pile of garbage.

The very best programmers that I've encountered in my long career were the ones that could make the code sing (figuratively speaking) regardless of the environment. Any language, any OS, any hardware -- none of these things ultimately matter. All those things will be replaced by something better (or maybe worse) at some point in the future. Being able to put aside juvenile biases and petty preferences is a hallmark of the truly great programmer.

The very worst programmers that I've encountered were the ones that bitched and whined endlessly about minute details, or those who let their pure philosophical ideals get in the way of the task at hand. They adopt stupid star-belly-sneetches attitudes for the sake of appearing smart among their peers, slagging that which they do not approve of.

Guess which one you are.

Comment Re:ZOMG (Score 0, Redundant) 260

Nobody claimed that they were, though if Apple have exclusives through their service, people still may miss out if they're not using it.

Did you even bother RTFS?

That aside, your implication that any criticism of the service is invalid because people aren't being forced to buy it is the same argumentative fallacy that crops up here over and over again.

Bullshit and utter nonsense. In a capitalist system, anyone can sell anything they want (within the confines of legality) and the market will determine whether that was a reasonable idea or not. PERIOD. Whining about whether such a product or service should be allowed to exist misses the point that it's not up to you whether they should be allowed to exist or not. If you don't like it, buy something else. Better yet, offer a better service, instead of trying to convince us all of the superiority of your smug position on the matter.

I am fucking tired of all the whinging from all the neckbeards around here about which products fit into their philosophical world view. It's a product. It will live and die by whether anyone buys it. Your personal stance on the matter means sweet fuck-all.

Comment Re:Free Speech (Score 1) 180

I don't think it's going to take much more for armed rebellion to start taking place. Another 2008 "recession", a sharp rise in the price of food, a couple more serious scandals like snowden, or CIA torture.

You need to stop smoking crack so early in the day. Wait until after 8:00pm, at least.

Comment Re:Free Speech (Score 1) 180

It may be arbitrary, unfair and anti-democratic, but that what happens when citizens can't be fucking bothered to pay attention and give the goddamn lobbyists free reign to write the laws!

If you could be so kind, could you remind us all at what point businesses in the US were bound by the First Amendment? I can't seem to find it in my history book.

Comment Re:Fear of guns (Score 1, Flamebait) 535

open carry is allowed everywhere. gun laws are unconstitutional and should not be obeyed.

Next time I see some dipshit open-carrying his rifle into Chipotle, I'm going to sneak up on him in the parking lot and tackle him. At best, I'll be a hero. At worst, I'll be wrong. But the guy carrying might learn a valuable lesson: even if open carry is illegal, it's still not socially acceptable. And I'll have plausible deniability either way.

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