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Comment The unspoken reason (Score 4, Insightful) 425

We bailed out the automakers for the same reason we subsidize food production - there is a strategic value in being self-sufficient. If there was another world war or a global catastrophe, we'd be fucked if all our cars and trucks and armored vehicles and tanks were manufactured elsewhere. And what's $10 billion compared to the trillions we already throw away to make sure the oil keeps flowing.

Comment Re:Developing software (Score 1) 453

nope, modern laptops are just as good as desktops now

Let me know when I can run three 27" monitors from a laptop.

The thing that makes laptops useful as laptops is what makes them suck in any other context. It's a rats' nest of cables sticking out the side of my MBP, and it takes up too much desk to make hiding in the corner viable. And besides, those pukes at Apple stopped to designing them to work with the lid closed.

Comment Re:Time for devs to get to work then! (Score 2) 238

approached by at least 3-4 recruiters a week via phone & email. Do not blow these people off. In a few years, they could be your best friends

You should always blow these people off. They're parasites and "in a few years" most of them will have failed and will be failing at something else, like selling real estate or SEO marketing or astroturfing for a PR firm.

Your professional contacts will provide the overwhelming majority of job leads. If you're competent and don't burn bridges you'll never run out of places to work.

Recruiters don't exist to find you a job, they exist to get between you and a job.

Comment Re: Top talent is always hard to find (Score 1) 238

They heavily suffer from NIH syndrome and are convinced that the technology they created (and they created software for pretty much anything) is the best in the world, even when it's painfully outdated. To get hired, you have to use the Google way of doing things to solve problrms. It's a monoculture

Examples or you're full of shit.

Comment Re:As a matter of fact, the founders of the US... (Score 1) 730

Actually Madison was against direct democracy, but why confuse us with the particulars, it would only confuses our statist little minds. Kook videos are the only education we need.

It is funny how often this nonsense pops up, as if there was an organized effort to confuse the terms "democracy" and "republic", to make people believe one is bad and the other good, opposites in some sort of Sesame Street version of political philosophy. I wonder what motivation they could have to do such a thing.

Of course, they always leave out the fact that China is a republic, or that the Soviet Union was a republic. Republic just means there isn't a monarch, that the government is a public thing. It doesn't mean people are actually free or can participate in their government.

Or to put it another way - every democracy is necessarily a republic, but not every republic is a democracy. So you'd think these people, if they were logical, would be for more democracy, since they like republics so much.

Comment Re:After five years... (Score 1) 655

I don't know what kind of shit school you went to, but I graduated fifteen years ago, and literally nothing I learned in school is out of date.

Maybe you shouldn't have gone to a place that promised to teach you Java, and instead went to one that promised to teach the theory of programming languages and maybe how to implement one or two in a compiler.

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Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith. - Paul Tillich, German theologian and historian
