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Comment Re:I'd watch that for a dollar (Score 1) 465

You made a reference to Robocop, which I like, because I understand it, and Hunter S. Thompson, which I don't like, because I'm stupid and reading is hard.

This summary is bad and the article is bad and it would be only be funny if written by the people at cracked.com. And what does "downing their tools" mean? That sounds made up.

Comment Re:Most undergrad educations are the same (Score 1) 127

A degree from a real "Ivy" means fuck all to programmers. The only one with any relevance at all is Princeton. The CS and engineering "Ivies" are MIT and Stanford. After that there are about ten or so state schools plus CMU who lead the rankings and prestige. Most of the top 20 CS and engineering schools are state schools. Why are so many in this thread clueless about this?

But don't be absurdly egalitarian. The difference in those top schools and the rest is enormous. Most schools, public and private, that offer a CS degree are diploma mills.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 824

Yet you know there are only two outcomes for this:

Eich steps down and some people claim it was the employees standing up for what's right that made it happen, while other's whine about "McCarthyism" and "insubordination", but mostly it was the unflattering press attention that did it.


Eich doesn't quit and nothing happens to those who asked him to quit. Some of them quit, because they're mad, but there really isn't any negative consequence for any of them, because no one important will risk alienating the overwhelming majority of young talent by defending homophobia.

Comment Some of these are only lies for noobs (Score 1) 452

I've never said "I could do it better myself" and it not been true. But then again, I usually have the sense to not rewrite working code if I can help it.

Also, I've found code can easily be self-documenting, though the quality of that self-documentation is dependent on the quality of the code itself and the programmer who wrote it. Usually the only time it is necessary to document code, it is not the code that needs explaining, but the reason for why the code must exist in the first place. This exemption void where prohibited by company policy, when documenting an API, or any code to be consumed by web developers.

Comment Gamify all the things (Score 5, Funny) 146

My tasks are already games. I push buttons for money points, and the more money points I get, the easier it is to get more money points.

A lot of people have been saying the programmer class is overpowered, but they're usually just envious whiners who dumped all their talent points in the humanities skill tree, and then QQ when they get pwned at life. Besides, most of them borrowed money points in the tutorial levels, the noobs, and now they wonder why they can't afford the endgame gear and think we should just give it them. Can you imagine that? Welfare epics! As if!

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