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Comment Co-operation and Trust (Score 3, Insightful) 279

Free and Open source software are about working together to write software, its unquestionably good.

There are tens of billions of dollars worth of Libre code out there, with thousands of unpunished violators, and only 2 or 3 people in the world defending it.

And this "community" persistently rallies against working tegether Legally with CLA, i just dont understand, is it purely a trust thing ?

(And if you want to help defend Free Software, consider donating to the Software Freedom Conservency)

Comment Re:Where are they? (Score 1) 324

You better be careful that tinfoil isnt shaped like an antenna.

To fix that you just need to make sure the tinfoil is eathed properly, but then you also need to make sure they arent doign anything tricky wit hthe earth leakage current.

Also, the NSA might be monitoring EM radiation from your external power supply.

I suggest you make tinfoil glasses and earplugs, ignorance is bliss.

Comment Re:No, they're still bringing value to the project (Score 1) 120

And yet even there they are doing something good by using it. This is especially true of FOSS frameworks, libraries, etc. The more jobs that use them, the more value knowing the work becomes and that means you attract more potential contributors.

A corporation uses free software and is committed to not contribute anything back (freeloading), yet one of their workers does so in their own time (contirbuting).

In that case the company has unknowingly contributed to free software in the way of promotional work, but that has to be weighed against the damage they do to free software by trying to prevent their workers contributing in the first place.

Comment Re:Not freeloaders (Score 4, Insightful) 120

Users are freeloaders if they are ideologically opposed to contributing or participating in the community.

If people dont contribute because they dont know how, but would like to, then that fine, maybe one day they will be able to. Nothing to lose, everythign to gain by havign them around.

If people (or more likely corporations) are ideologically opposed to contributing back to the communtiy because they dont want to mix "their valuable IP" with the communities IP then are a dead weight to us. We would be much better off pushing them to use inferior proprietary software so their competitors who arent so short sighted can win.

[end rant]

Comment Re:Remember TEMPEST? (Score 1) 264

you know in general what it should sound like so you know what to look for, and then you work from there

If it was just one opera singer it might be reasonable to "work from there", but keys need to be 100% correct unless they are combinign it with a brute force attack, but then they would still need to know whci hbits they heard correctly.

But i still call bullshit, what if there are more than one opera singers singing, or its some new age music that has elements of opera, but isnt really opera at all.

What if a bug flys into your fan ?

Comment See, NSA are our friends, let them have root (Score 1) 698

This story proves the NSA is really trying to protect us all the time, some people say they are spies, i call them teh protectors of liberty.

In order to let them help us, we should all download and install their new "anti-malware" software. If your are an important person they might even give you access to their custom assistance package where they remotely interact wit hyour system, for your protection !

Comment Re:As immigrant in the US (Score 1) 383


TLDR: You need a secure channel to create a secure channel, smae with trust.

If you dont have trust you dont have anything.

The US government have demostrated their belief that in order to protect their people, they cant allow themselves to trust their own people.

All over the world people say they dont trust their government, have done so for a long time, and will contrinue to do so. But when a government actually demonstrates it, its hard to come back from that.

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