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Comment Sometimes it takes embarrasement to effect change (Score 4, Interesting) 356

The rapist's comments in the documentary are pretty shocking - he blames the victim for the rape, for being out at 9PM rather than at home doing house chores. I suspect this perspective isn't unique to this one man and thus the government considers it an embarrassing reflection on the nation as a whole. Maybe that's a good thing.

Comment Common misconception about class action suits (Score 5, Insightful) 114

It's a common refrain to say that nobody benefits from class action suits except the lawyers. While that may be true for the class litigants themselves it is entirely untrue for the public at large. The purpose of large punitive rewards is to penalize corporate misbehavior and in turn incentivize good behavior. By that measure we all benefit from these suits.

Comment Tesla will go supernova (Score 1) 257

There will be a surge and resulting peak in demand for their expensive cars and then demand will fall off a cliff and the company will eventually disappear. Maybe then we'll finally stop seeing the endless supply of pump and dump stock articles that appear on /., esp positive-spin articles like this one that magically appear whenever there is negative news about the company.

Comment Proof that there's too much money in the world (Score 4, Insightful) 148

From the aritcle:

"One investor said she spent HK$1.3 million in swap options for the virtual currency last September. She said salespersons had told her she would recoup her investment in four months and make around 200-300 percent profit in one year."

How does someone this stupid get hold of that much money?

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The 11 is for people with the pride of a 10 and the pocketbook of an 8. -- R.B. Greenberg [referring to PDPs?]
