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Comment Re:Liar (Score 1) 129

Let's say you remove the executable flag on the GZIP binary, but leave me with read access to said binary. You think I won't be able to run GZIP on your box with a guest account and a writable home directory? (let's assume I can't bring in some other binary of my own, I just have access to your system)

Comment Re:Liar (Score 1) 129

The original answer was to a post that claimed to have a filesystem "non-executable", which pretty much means nothing. Also, a socket does not reside on a file system (at least not a regular one). At last, a shell with UID=0 *can* be executed by at least one user. The original claim was for a "non-executable" filesystem.

The claim that was answered to implied that you can store any binary (say, gzip) on a "non-executable" filesystem and that would prevent users from ever running it. Which is moronic.

Context people, context.

Comment Re:Um, what? (Score 1) 433

Presumable he is referring to this:

One of the ACA architects has stated that:

A) the bill was written in such a way so that the CBO did not interpret the fine's as Taxes.

b) said : “In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in—you made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to passLook, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

this was in the news recently.

Comment Apple nolonger cares for minority users. (Score 1) 370

Their focus group isn't working professional any longer, its fashion sensible teens and facebookers.

I have plenty of coworkers on MacBook Airs and they look happy about it. Furthermore, all those people work in IT. My wife is a MacBook Air user and she looks happy as well. She's a teacher and does everything on Mac.

You *wish* for Apple to cater only to hipsters because it fits your distorted view of Apple, but really, it's not the case.

Comment Don't be afraid of Apple (Score 1) 370

Are you high? Your world most certainly doesn't look like mine. My Wife is a MacBook Air user and let me tell you: I've never seen a laptop that good from a hardware standpoint. By a pretty wide margin. Light, strong, extra thin with an entire day battery life. The software she doesn't care all that much about. She basically needs MSOffice and the rest is bonus.

I'm a linux user, my kids Windows users. There is stuff for everyone. And nobody is afraid to leave anything.

Nice troll though.

Comment Re:The last sentence in the summary... (Score 2) 232

While I'm not denying reality - global warming is happening - I'm questioning the models proposed by the scientists. Let them come up with a model that doesn't completely fall apart 10 years later. So far, all models produced before 2000 have proven to *not* forecast the reality of things.

I'm not saying those guys are charlatans, but if they try to convince me that the sea level will rise by 2m in 100 years I'll laugh, and pretty hard at that. Nobody is actually able to predict anything beyond a couple of years, so 100 years is well beyond their best effort so far.

Granted the climate is an extraordinarily complex thing to model and so to predict. What exactly are going to be the consequences of the global warming is yet a thing to discover.

Now, this doesn't mean that we should do nothing about it and wait & see. But shouting all over that in XX years, YY will change by ZZ is in my view discrediting the cause for the simple reason that those claims have always proved to be just plain wrong. So far.

Comment Re:30-46% less force is required to deform?! (Score 4, Informative) 304

Wait, wait, wait...

iPhone 5: 130lbs. force to deform

iPhone 6+: 90 lbs. force to deform -> 30% less force
iPhone 6: 70 lbs. force to deform -> 46% less force

A reduction in resistance to deformation of nearly one third to one half over previous models and they are supposedly "not as bendy as believed"? WTF? That's a recall class problem in my book.

Is it? So if I design a phone that can withstand 1 ton, then I am not allowed to ship any phone that withstand less than that or it's a recall? Man, come on. If the thing is too weak for regular use, it's case for a recall. If not, it's not a case for a recall. Nothing to do with "is it weaker than the latest model".

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