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Comment Re:Well actually, he has a point (Score 1) 307

If the argument is that I as a consumer have a right to not have my ISP discriminate against my choice of content providers then where in that argument is the limiting principle that prevents me from forcing the content providers to provide the content on a device of my choosing rather than theirs?

Clearly these are exactly identical situations despite the fact that in the network neutrality argument there is a third party (the ISP) interfering with my choice of content provider, while in your argument there is no ISP interfering in my choice of content provider. The total and complete lack of third-party interference in your case (which is entirely what network neutrality is about) is what makes it different.

Comment Re:It all comes down to payroll (Score 4, Insightful) 271

his next bonus will suffer resulting in him not benefiting

Unless his next quarter is a negative bonus where he has to pay his ill-gotten gains back, he gets $10000 for hitting this quarter's target and gets only $1000 next quarter. As opposed to only getting $1000 both quarters. The behavior is a no-brainer.

He could later be considered for termination if the pattern continues.

Unless he's high enough up AND his behavior drives the company into bankruptcy, then the gets a $50000 retention bonus to help ensure his leadership through these tough times.

Comment Re:Spoofing! (Score 1) 199

How? I don't know of a way to get the VIN through the ODB2 port, though such a capability wouldn't surprise me terribly with the newest cars. They could try to infer whether the data is consistent with the model of car that's being insured through some of the metrics such as fuel usage. Though the biggest problem would be the GPS showing the car being parked at a place you don't live at, and being driven to a workplace you don't work at.

Comment Re:Wrong direction (Score 1) 217

That's absolutely correct. They banned sound trucks (a truck with loudspeakers that used to drive around and play political messages) a long time ago because they were obnoxious*. I don't see why the same reasoning couldn't be used to ban robocalling, except that the politicians won't do it.

*Technically they are still legal in most jurisdictions if you get a permit, but good luck with that.

Comment Re:Easy fix (Score 1) 70

The idea is that people not using Verizon could do this, and pollute their databases with garbage data. It likely wouldn't affect their ability to track actual Verizon users, but it could make it more difficult to do so by burying them in garbage. Only problem is that I can think of a couple of easy technical solutions to easily filter out most of the "noise".

Comment Re:For the sake of discussion... (Score 5, Insightful) 316

What should they do with the X?

It goes in the evidence locker until the driver finishes their trial for possession.

What should they do with the machine gun?

It goes in the evidence locker until the driver finishes their trial for possession.

What should they do with the machine gun?

It goes in the evidence locker until the driver finishes their trial for possession.

What should they do with the $20,000?

It goes in the evidence locker until the driver finishes their trial for possession.

What should they do with the car?

It goes into impound until the driver finishes their trial for possession.

What's that? You can't be bothered with a court case to prove that anything illegal happened? Well, fuck you.

Comment Re:SimCity 2000 available for free (Score 1) 393

I'm kind of the same way, SimCity 3000 just added too much micromanaging. It's fine when you have a small town, but who wants to deal with stuff like individual water pumps wearing out in a large city when you have dozens of the things all built at different times. That's why real cities hire city managers to deal with that kind of stuff. I played the heck out of the first game (on the SNES) and SC2000, but just couldn't get into SC3000. I also played SC4 and it had a lot of problems similar to SC3000 but the mods helped keep it interesting for a bit longer. The mods also actually made my city look like a real city. I also tried the newest game, and it seems more like the Sims on a city (or small town) level than a Simcity game.

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