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Comment Re:Software Business Methods are in danger (Score 1) 118

If you accept quantum theory (and just try to disprove it) then the perceptible universe is cannonically isomorphic to a subset of mathematics. If cannonically isomorphic isn't close enough to identity for you, I'd like an explanation of why not. (Well, except that several different things can have aspects that are cannonically isomorphic to the same thing...but perhaps that's just a way of saying that they have certain features that are essentially identical.)

Spelling counts, mister Cannon.

Comment Re:Legacy Support (Score 1) 730

'Legacy apps "just work".'

Apple needs to apply this to the MacOS as well. We should be able to run all legacy applications back to MacOS 1.0 and frankly iOS and MacOS should be merged such that we can run applications on either. A lot of people aren't upgrading Mac hardware because we need access to older data which is used by older applications that Apple no longer supports.

We need Legacy that Just Works.


Comment Re:So what exactly is the market here. (Score 1) 730

People keep mentioning the Nomad. We're talking about the portable Sega Genesis with the built-in screen, right? Because I refuse to believe you're talking about something else. Personally, I like my Nomad, but I've noticed that with EA carts, you have to put a piece of paper or cardboard in behind the cartridge to get the contacts to touch properly. Otherwise, NHL '94 for the win. No way I'm playing NHL '94 on an iWatch.

Comment Re:Mass media takeover and destruction of 'net (Score 4, Interesting) 254

I don't think we're going to stop the progression you are describing. The method by which it is achieved may not be the one being discussed by UCLA and Cisco, but it's clear now that what slashdotters call "the Internet" is doomed and has been since all of those rebellions in northern africa/mideast a couple years ago. What most end-users call "the Internet" is just getting started, but certainly the application of it is as a control and monitoring system against dissent rather than a catalyst promoting freedom of information. The point where we have some hope of rallying the population to activism is the point where content providers and governments try to do things like completely disallow offline storage media. But not before then, because the population just plain doesn't understand what they have or what is at stake.

Comment Re:Jail time will not help (Score 2) 76

Coward -- I get the feeling you're going somewhere interesting here, but the metaphor isn't quite working. Would you mind spoon feeding what you're getting at here, without putting on any kind of satire/parody of what I said? Are you saying moderation is equivalent to jail time? Freedom of speech equivalent to freedom to move about public space? Freedom of speech "invented" by someone? Too many things going on at once to make your point clearly, at least to me.

Comment Moderation will not help (Score 2, Interesting) 76

Moderation censors opinions contrary to the majority of the participants in a particular forum. This frustrates those who need to communicate critical points, which will produce an entirely new set of negative feelings and may even break the behavioral hooks that make social networking appealing.

Comment Re:Why are you giving this dipshit free PR? (Score 2, Funny) 113

This is an idiotic who had a mental breakdown (or whatever) and removed FB because it was "too hard and ruined peoples loves", after he staged a meltdown online where he blatantly lied and said that the amount of money he was raking in was too much and posed a threat to himself because of where he lived in the world.

IMHO, this jackass should have been banned from the App Store with all the shenanigans he pulled. Now you jackasses are giving him free PR again, because he wrote another shitty HTML5 game that is once more purportedly "too hard". Nice.

Wow. This guy proves i kan reed's point IMMEDIATELY.

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