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Comment Re:They're assholes. (Score 1) 336

With how fast my mobile phone connection is (75/40 average 30MS ping on speed test) and the amount of data I have for teathering (40gb/month), it would be an extremely rare instance where both my phone and home connections are out at the same time.

And if that were to happen, I'd probably be out paintballing with friends instead of playing golf. I'm not that old yet.

Comment Re:They're assholes. (Score 1) 336

The point he was making is that they could just be playing on PC. You have a very freedom-minded, open source (if you want it), gaming platform that has a huge library of games to go along with it. Oh, main game servers taken down? Get on something like GameRanger to play online without the official servers. The point, I think you missed it.

Comment Re:Surge pricing during security incident (Score 1) 190

You missed the point he was making. He is saying to let surge price happening automatically under scheduled events (Concerts, sporting events, festivals, etc), where as any other time a massive uptick happens (such as the hostage situation), that it requires manual intervention before activating surge pricing. This wasn't about giving stuff up for free.

Comment Re:I'd expect Fawkes masks to start making stateme (Score 1) 218

Health care initially skyrocketed when the insurance agencies started going from NPO to For Profit. If all healthcare was NPO (as would be the case with a socialist medical system), you wouldn't be having this problem. The issue is that Obama Care is basically the middle ground between free market and socialist, getting the worst of both worlds.

Comment Re:Hmmmmm. Interesting decision history... (Score 1) 280

I'll be honest here. Most of college bores the shit out of me right now. Why? I can read the book in half the time it would be required to show up to class and get more information than sitting around having to listen to people in way above their heads (the nightmare that was my MS Powershell v2 for Admins class and my CCNP class) asking the same damn questions over and over again.

I could have saved the money and time just kicking it at home reading the book and doing the actual certification tests a month or two down the road. The only classes I really enjoyed doing so far were my gen ed. For some reason I love doing English, History, and Psych, but I hated sitting through tech classes with idiots.

Comment Re:Good Decision (Score 1) 191

Great idea. Should one ever try to sue a big company and lose, they would be in debt for the rest of their lives, with no chance to ever pay back what they owe. Sounds like a great protection for the corporations from the little guy.

Comment Re:I have nothing better to do... (Score 1) 545

I had this problem with a previous employer. Its a double edge sword. I was working on a refresh project at a major bank, and I was told several times "This is your work load, you get this done every day, we do not pay overtime." I managed to automate most of my work load which lead to four hour days. If they refuse to pay me the OT I had to work when I was first getting accustomed to the systems and treat me like Im salary, I believe I had the right to get my work load done for the day and go home.

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