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Comment Re:Could someone answer this? (Score 2) 520

Who derive all their power from the old piece of paper sitting in a museum. You'd be funny if you weren't quite so tragic.

What's tragic is that in the 21st century we still live in a world where people believe in fantasy.

That fact that you can say that some people derive power from a piece of paper in apparent seriousness is the tragedy.

I don't want to live on a planet where people believe in magic paper.

Comment Re:Internet access should be a socialized service (Score 1) 520

"We" is the people of the United State of America. What makes us special is that we've granted to ourselves the power to govern the country.

You've disingenuopusly defined "people of the United State of America" as being "everyone who agrees with me."

There is no question that we ought to govern the country, the only question is how.

Just saying that doesn't make it true.

Maybe you mean "I don't want anyone to questions whether or not we should govern, because the outcome of that debate may not turn out in my favor."

You'd give unrestricted rights to businesses to do what they want. Id restrict businesses from acting in ways detrimental to their customers or to the economy as a whole.

You've granted unlimited power to self-appointed rulers who presume to know the unknowable while pretending to rule "for the benefit of society as a whole."

Even worse, it's not even original in its deception. Just the same old tired trumped-up justifications for power that tyrants and their apoligists have been using for centuries. You could at least try to come up with something new for a change.

Comment Re:Internet access should be a socialized service (Score 0) 520

I don't understand why we don't just restrict companies to do the thing they're supposed to do.

I don't understand why people can publicly advocate fascism and expect to not be called out on it.

Who is "we" and what makes them so special such that it's legitmate for them to give orders to other people?

Comment Re:What's the difference? (Score 3, Interesting) 462

Nothing. They all have mental disorders relating to self image, usually due to being molested as a kid. Oops, did I just drop a big bag of reality on the discussion?

This. I'll never understand why when someone "thinks they're the opposite gender" we don't try and fix their mind to match their body but instead are willing to send them through some incredibly dangerous and life-shortening medical procedures to do the exact opposite.


Also, there's far too much child sexual abuse in the world, with a disturbingly high fraction of they population complicit in one way or another, for society to talk honestly about the topic. There is a very vocal minority with an extremely strong incentive to divert any discussions away from that area.

Comment Re:Not just (Score 1) 179

This is not the account I've heard about the Qt team being hostile to external input. I know someone working on a Qt application who frequently has to work around c++11 and javascript bugs, and is unable to get any of his patches accepted upstream.

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