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Comment Re:Sounds legit (Score 0) 221

all the things you listed are a cover for governments to set up control over the only thing they care about - tax evasion.
There shouldn't be any income or savings (wealth) related taxes in the first place. All of those other things you listed are a ruse, just like the proverbial children, that are used to justify any amount of government violence against individuals and the humanity.

Comment Re:Bullshit Headline (Score -1) 25

Normal capitalism in action is what creates the common good as opposed to any sort of humanitarian pledge. People building businesses is what creates the economy and society, so normal business activity is what is needed unless you do not want to grow the economy. Nobody should be wasting money to 'create jobs' unless it is a sound business activity that causes those jobs to be created.

Comment governments can destroy, not create anything (Score -1) 124

Governments all over the world can only destroy things, ideas, jobs, they cannot create anything. Someone decides they will run errands for people based on some platform offering access to delivery people as a service and all of a sudden government barges in between all of the willing participants and declares this voluntary cooperation to be illegal.

Comment kids game (Score 0) 57

It is a kids' game, no idea why the company is losing so much money while the user base and the revenues are growing. 30 million users, each spending over 57usd in 2020 and the company is losing money? So if they cannot make a profit with 30million paying customers why are they valued at 45billion? Another bubble, just like the dotcom bubble in the nineties (now with bitcoins as well) that is what this whole thing is about.

Comment Re:Of course $500/month didn't make them not work (Score -1) 288

I am always curious, when did it become the automatic response of the american collectivists to any suggestion that government must not be allowed to tax and redistribute people's money, that the any such proposal is done because the one making it is a racist and wants to harm blacks?

I do not care what colour the people are who end up benefitting from the proceeds of governmment theft, I am opposed to the theft and armed robbery committed by the government.

Comment Re:Biden gives zero fucks about workers (Score -1) 203

That is because that is a backwards argument. Most businesses will not disappear because minimum wage goes up, but employment opportunities for the less employable, lower skilled people will disappear.

Minimun wage should be called Minimum Employability actually, it limits THE WORKERS, it does not limit companies. Companies will hire fewer people to jobs that do not produce enough benefit to justify the higher price tag but companies will also expect a higher quality worker at a higher wage, so many people without the skills, with the language, physical or other barriers will find themselves unemployable and more people will end up expecting the government to hand something out for them to survive, which is the point of minimum wage - to create classes of dependents that will vote for handouts and will secure the power of the politicians that promise handouts.

Comment Re: Wow. Much research (Score -1) 243

Profit is earned money, you dumb shit. Profit is the earnings that pushes people into making investments, without profit (earnings on investment) there can be no investment. Equating profits with robbery shows you for the dumb shit idiot marxist that you are.

As to all the nonsense that gets upmoded in this story - health care is no different from any other industry and free market capitalism would provide multiple solutions at various price points; however there is no free market in an industry that is as heavily regulated and subsidised by the government as is health care. Of course there should be PE firms in this business (and it is business) there shouldn't be any government in it, same applies to education, infrastructure, insurance, issuing of money.. We will get there eventually, we are moving there, we are just doing everything wrong in the meanwhile and destroying the economy in the process.

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