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Comment Re:About time for a Free baseband processor (Score 2) 202

Sure they don't sell bombers and guided missiles, but then if we ever get to that point, there won't be much of a military left for the gov't to use against us, because they are US.

LOL. It is so cute when someone who has never served brings out the "they'll never attack US citizens!!! DERP!" line.

Here's how it goes down. First, the military brass will come up with some disparaging name for the citizens who are the new enemy, just as they did for every other war:

"Haji" is the troops' term of choice for an Iraqi. It's used the way "gook" or "Charlie" was used in Vietnam. "From 'Gook' to 'Raghead'"

Next, the citizens (the bad ones) are depicted as subhuman. (The government will also direct the news to depict the new enemy as dangerous psychopaths, so the average citizen will not join in the revolt.)

Final step: 6-round burst, every time. Change barrels every 10 minutes.

Comment The one thing I still use YouTube for (Score 1) 105

The one thing I still use YouTube for is music. Sometimes you just get an album cover and the song. Sometimes lyrics. Sometimes you get the original video, if it hasn't been taken down. If they put all that behind a paywall, I'll do without for a while and then chose something else that's music-only. The video was just a nice add-on.

I was never a heavy participant on YouTube, uploading just a couple rather lame videos before... wait for it... Google demanded my phone number. That's what made me stop logging in. I just didn't have that desperate a desire to participate

So. Real ID turned me into a passive user. Demands for money will just make me go away.

Comment You're everything that's wrong in this world. (Score 2) 377

I've never owned a farm.
I've never planted or harvested a crop.
I've never used fertilizer.
I've never seen GMO seeds.
I've never gone a day without food.
I've never been to Africa.

But I know this is really bad.

Sent from my iPhone

You don't know anything about the topic, and aren't involved or affected, but you're going to pass judgement on other people's choices.

Comment Re:So "Big Ag" is short for (Score 1) 377

"Big Agriculture", and not "Big Silver". I thought this was about mining silver in Africa.

In some languages, silver is synonymous with money. Eg "plata" in Spanish. So you're not far off.

As to whether it's a good thing or not... well, it's not for nothing that farmers are buying expensive hybrid seeds. But I don't know the details to be able to say whether the same factors apply in Africa.

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