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Comment Re:Astroturfing for Hillary Clinton (Score 1) 1134

Then call the police. Subpoena the IP logs from twitter and find the "rapist."

But no, she didn't call the police. She called the SJW media so they could all write breathless articles about how terrible the "gaming community" is how we need to read this article and the hundreds that will follow it to "raise awareness." Oh, and ad revenue.

It's a fucking scam. Nobody harassed Zoe Quinn. She made it up. She profited. Her game that couldn't get a green light before got one. She shut down a gaming event targeted at women so it wouldn't compete with her own. The media profited. At no point did anybody even try to find the "real stalker" and punish him. Because there was no real stalker.

Comment Re:False accusations? (Score 1) 1134

The author of the Vice article also has connections to Zoe Quinn, Anita, and the other white knight/SJW "journalists."

Of course they do. That's how they get their beak wet. They breathlessly report every incident of internet trolling (if it's against a woman) with clickbait headlines to drive ad revenue. Facts be damned. Hell, the more disagreement over what the facts are, the better, so they can write more hand-wringing articles.

If these women are truly concerned for their safety they should call the fucking police. But they're not really concerned, they just want attention and the profits that come along with it.

Comment Re:One bad apple spoils the barrel (Score 3, Insightful) 1134

Also, there is no incentive to solve the misogynistic trolling "problem" (assuming it even exists. There is ample evidence Zoe Quinn is a lying sociopath who made the whole thing up). The only thing that's ever done about situations like this is articles and calls to "raise awareness." But those articles are golden clickbait that drive ad revenues. And it's easy, easy writing because it's all been done before. Just open up the "gamers are hateful boys" folder and repost the same hand-wringing crap we wrote last year. Collect the money and wait for it to happen again.

It's all about the money. Quinn profits, the 2000 blogs that have written breathless articles about her plight profit. Nothing actually changes, assuming there was anything changeable to begin with. And now we wait for the next episode.

Comment Re:Simple Solution - Exam Mode (Score 2) 359

Didn't necessarily say it was used for cheating. Maybe I just didn't want to lose all the rest of my data and the video games I'd written? There wasn't exactly an easy way to back up your calculator data unless you had a special cable and a computer, and this was 1994-1995. My family didn't have a PC then.

Comment Re:Simple Solution - Exam Mode (Score 1) 359

I spent high school programming my TI-82 during class. Amongst the many programs I wrote was one that emulated the reset sequence, so when the teacher would come around to clear everybody's calculators before an exam I would just start up that program, and she would see a screen that looked and acted like the reset screen.

Those were the days. I can't believe it, but sometimes I miss high school...

Comment Re:Not due to Putin's ego (Score 1) 789

I don't really completely understand why mass murder with nuclear and chemical weapons is somehow worse than mass murder with bombs and guns, but it's widely perceived that way.

Because of the indiscriminate nature of WMDs. When using guns and conventional bombs you can call civilian casualties "collateral damage." When you nuke those civilians, well, they're just damage.

Comment Re:What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 1) 613

Bravo. You said it perfectly.

I personally don't have a problem with SystemD. It annoyed me the first time I installed a distro I didn't realize used it (Fedora...14 maybe?) and I had to spend a few hours reading docs to figure out a whole new way of doing the same shit I'd been doing without thinking for 15 years. The software itself is fine, it makes sense to me now, and I don't mind using it. But I do hate this attitude that SystemD IS THE FUTURE AND MUST BE USED.

Comment Re:Public cynicism about fusion (Score 4, Insightful) 147

And it's insane when you compare fusion research funding to military spending in general, or what we spent on the Iraq war specifically. If we'd spent a fraction of those amounts on energy God. It's not for sure that throwing money at energy research will solve all our problems, but come on, our society runs on energy, and the cheap energy we got from long-chain hydrocarbons is never coming back.

When I think about threats to the future of stable society, lack of cheap energy is #1. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would have all kinds of interesting ideas as to why the government isn't pumping more money into solving this problem.

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