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Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 4, Funny) 530

In fact, the greatest damage moderates and left-wing could do to the right wing extremists is to invite them to freely speak their minds. The resulting spew of homophobic, sexist, and racist non-sequiturs would likely shift most people just a bit to the left.

And somewhere in suburban Missouri, Todd Akin gets as the strange feeling that someone on slashdot is talking about him.

Comment Re:I recall... (Score 3, Interesting) 533

(Assuming it's a state where 18 is the legal age, I know it varies)

The laws start being even more inconsistent in states with lower legal ages. Here the age of consent is 17. So that 22 is fine having sex with that 17 year old. If they start sexing each other instead/also - then it's child pornography.

Comment Re:STEM Visas being held hostage (Score 5, Insightful) 133

I agree than any additional 'supply' will lower the average wage. But I'd rather be competing against 55,000 green card holders, who can negotiate fairly with their employers for a competitive wage than completing against 55,000 H1B workers who are (mostly) tied to a single employer and have a significant disadvantage in any salary/etc. negotiation.

So does one of the parties want to eliminate/reduce the H1B visas and replace them with green cards? Because if so, then I support them on this.

Comment Re:I treat my books like i treat my bed... (Score 4, Funny) 171

I assign different value to different groups of books, and treat them accordingly, with anything from near-reverence to near-contempt.

This reminded me of a scene in "The Day After Tomorrow" where they are trapped in a library and several characters are debating which of several classic books they were going to burn to keep warm. Then someone else walks in: "Uh... 'scuse me? You guys? Yeah... there's a whole section on tax law down here that we can burn." *problem solved*

Comment Re:Unless it's in the United States (Score 1) 387

They need to adjust 20$ for inflation though.

I can't believe those n00b founding fathers hard-coded that value...

Even with inflation, I'm pretty sure $20 in 1789 is still less than $1,000,000,000+ in 2012. (Agree with you on the hard-coding - unless their intent was to have it effectively approach zero over time.)

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 408

but which now you have to pay to get your money out if the ATM isn't from your bank?

As opposed to before, when you'd have to drive to wherever your bank was and withdrawl your money there. Not that there is any good reason for it cost multiple dollars for this privilege other than pure profit. (My bank refunds the fees to me up to some amount each month (that I never come close to) so don't really care about the fee anyway.)

Comment Re:The Christian afterlife makes sense (Score 1) 532

...if Heaven is perfect...

Then it should also not have any arrogant jerks who think they are right and anyone who believes something they don't is wrong, even though they have absolute 0 evidence to back up their guesses.

So I guess that means you and me both are out. Although considering I don't think the place exists, that's probably more upsetting for you.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
